Unfortunate or fortunate?

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A/n: sorry for the incredibly long wait I at one point lost interest in the fandom and this story as well as having a sudden increase in my work load but recently it has lessened and I've been able to get re invested in the fandom! Expect updates every other week or so and Thank you all for your support!

Also please note if you spot any errors please tell me so that I may correct them ^^


Unfortunately the villain did not know the hero wasn't chasing after him, and so as he hurtled towards Izuku, in a blind panic, he hold grabbed of the teen, as to use him as a civilian hostage if need be. Oh but of course he wouldn't need to, as Deku mentality made note, the hero was just too wrapped up by all of the attention of his adoring fans and that was way more important than the safety of some random quirkless kid.

Of course, whatever was Izuku thinking, there are plenty of things more important than himself! Ask Katsuki he could probably name 1,000 off the top of his head.

Regardless of this fact however the greenette would later on look back to this moment as when he'd finally made the significant progress on his new path he'd been waiting for.

Now back to the current, the villain had taken them quite far away from where the fighting had taken place. At this point they were entering a more shady place of town, which despite it being horribly cliche was most likely a sign that they'd be stoping soon. And although Izuku could probably use this to his advantage, it was still a very low percentage so to say he was starting to get extremely anxious and terrified of what was to come was a massive understatement.

He was completely petrified, 100%.

And now the villain was starting to slow down as they neared an, if possible, even more shady looking alley way complete with stench ridden overflown trash cans, rabid rats, cats and a variety of bugs, not to mention the empty cardboard boxes and crates. Could it get much more stereotypical Deku didn't know but really? What else could you expect from an ally way! It was during these thought that his captor uncharismaticly dumped him on to one of said boxes and began to pace back and forth muttering to himself, as Deku rightened himself into a seated position on top of a low crate.

Something along the lines of "what was I thinking!", "have I just got a kid now", "do I kill him or???", "stupid stupid stupid"  . Then breaking off into to a frustrated scream as he kicked a rat, that had the misfortune of just so happening to run by, and sent it flying with the use of his quirk before turning back to Izuku, taking a deep breath and holding his hands together in front of his face then pointing them forwards to the teen as he released his breath.

"Look I'm- I'm just gonna be honest with you here kiddo I don't really know why I did" he gestures up and down with one arm "this but um I'm really new at this- well this bit specificity like I've not done the whole kidnapping gig before and urrrr-" he paused before tilting his head and squinting toward Midoriya and continuing with "wait why aren't you running like you could have totally run off while I was blabbing on earlier and come to think of it you didn't try to get away earlier either or use you quirk or talk..." he trailed off before looking as if he just realised some thing "oh shit!! You're not mute are you?? That would be so messed up of me if I did that like dude I know I'm like 'the bad guy' and stuff but that's like messed up even for me!"

It was at this point Izuku decided to speak up based on how this guy was acting and talking he could tell his chance of using this to his advantage had dramatically increased. "Um it's okay I'm not mute or anything just..." he stoped to think of the right words "interested?"

"Oh thank god!! That would have totally been whack i - wait interested? What's that supposed to mean? Like??? Dude I didn't hit your head on the way over here or anything did I?" They answered with a surprising amount of concern in their voice.

"Urr no? I don't think you did but aren't you acting a little weird for a supposed villain?" Deku questioned getting exceedingly confused by the man in front of him's behaviour.

"Kiddo I maybe a villain but I don't fuck with kids that's just hella messed up my man and aren't you a little weird for a civilian??" He was retorted. "Anyways back to the other question, interested? What's that all about!" The man went on emphasising his point by leaning over Deku some. His tall height and litheness casting a shadow over him.

"I-interested as in I-I'd like to help you with your ur h-hero problem" the greenette struggled through saying tapping his fingers together nervously feeling increasingly uncomfortable and threatened but the villain now in his personal space.

"You want to help" it was more of a statement than it was a question, the words spoken slowly with a tone and look of bewilderment from the person who'd been addressed by Izuku. "You do know I'm the villain right? Like right now your practically shaking like a little bunny rabbit! Come on little bunny! I'm the villain! the evil dude, the bad guy! You do know that? Right?"

"I know and that's exactly why I want to help you"

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