You Are No Hero

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"Mum? Mum! Oh my god! I was so worried! I was watching the news then there was an attack and I saw Katsuki's Mum and I'd read your note-and-and- oh god I'm just" Izuku trailed off into broken sobs of happiness. Snot and tears flowing from his face, not a pretty sight but, who's to care he's just so relieved.

Everything was supposed to be fine.

Everything was supposed to be okay.


But something wasn't right.

"I-I'm so sorry my boy..."

This was not F̣̬̙in̲e̲̗.

"Who is this? C-can you put my Mum on my Please?" He was beginning to sound desperate, lost.

Ev͡e͏ry̵th̨i͏ng ̛i̛s f҉iné.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't, didn't make it in time" he knows that voice.

Don't say it

"To save her" it's painfully familiar.

Don't say i͙̰͙̼̘̳͜t̼̘̻̹̞͠.

"I'm so sorry" he's heard that voice before.

"Lair" it's hardly above a whisper.

He knows that voice. It's so painfully familiar. He had listen to it a million times when he was younger. It was All Might.

"I'm so terribly sorry my boy I wish I cou-"

"LIAR" it's louder this time. "You didn't even try to save her!" Is he overreacting. No he can't be.

This man is a lie.

He's meant to save people yet he's failed Izuku twice. He's crushed dreams and now destroyed the only person that he loved that cared. He feels so alone and small and lost. He wants his Mum, but he can't because of him. It's his fault. It's always his fault. The false hope. The shattered dreams and broken spirit. The destruction of his last connection to a normal life. A happy life or as happy as Deku could get.

The anguish grows. It's ugly and malformed. He's screaming again. "WAS IT NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO CRUSH MY DREAMS? WAS IT NOT ENOUGH TO JUST TELL ME TO GIVE UP ON MYLIFE? WAS IT NOT ENOUGH TO JUST KILL ME IN THAT WAY?" He's not crying this time.

He's cried too much now that the tears won't come even in his rage and suffering.

"I-I-I I'm so sor-"


The number one has been stunned to silence.

"You have taken everything I was a utterly destroyed it beyond recognition, you've taken everything I was and wanted to be." His voice is cold and distant.

"You are no hero"

He hangs up. He's numb. It doesn't feel real to him. He can't feel much right now. He's felt so much in the past instant that everything is filled and he's run out of feeling. He wants to feel safe. He wants something to assure him this is all fake.

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