You're all mad

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"It's been a week since the pro hero 'Dragon' was found dead in his home. Authorities say that the hero, who'd returned to his home country from his hero business overseas, had been stabbed in the throat. Professionals are starting to make links between this murder and recent and prior attacks on other heroes by a blade wielding ex-vigilance. It was a gruesome end for such a valiant and kind hearted hero. Police believe this hero killer has also kidnapped the hero's quirkless son, whose name has yet to be supplied, the search for him is still ongoing. It's a tragic series of events and our hearts go out to that poor defenceless boy the hero killer has in his clutches, we can only imagine the torment they are facing at this moment, we only wish he is recovered safely as soon as possible."

"What a load of drivel!" Exclaimed rabbit gesturing wildly towards the television scream. "Kind hearted my left foot he was, bastard didn't even know my name!" Waves of anger rippled from him. Honestly, he's not even a suspect! I mean that's a good thing too, he got away with murder, but some other guy gets all the credit. The audacity!

"You know I heard rabbits feet were actually quite lucky" Tomura commented off handily, idly starring at the screen of his latest game system, not really paying much mind to what the other was saying. Instead, killing off some low level monsters to grind up levels.

"Oh don't you start" Rabbit snapped back. The two had fallen into a strange sort of friendship in the past week, not particularly closed but quick to fall into a back and forth of playful banter.

"Why's this got you so worked up anyways? It's just a lame mini boss, big whoop better off with out them". It was easy to tell something was eating at rabbit, you didn't have to know him that long. When he felt some what safe or relaxed he was very self expressive with a plethora of body language, or at least that's how he portrayed himself you can never know with Rabbit.

"I'm not getting any credit it's infuriating" came the disgruntled response as he slumped dramatically over the bar.

"You don't normally get credit for your intel though Rabbit, isn't that your play style? Under raider or whatever it was you said" Shigaraki shoots back momentarily pausing his game to spare the greener a confused look.

Sensei had said it was a good idea to agree to rabbits terms of joining, he'd even encouraged sticking closer to the small teen. He was a valuable asset, like Kurogiri, not one of the many disposable pawns they'd been gathering up for a while now. They intended to keep Rabbit around for a long time.

"Well when I actually killed a man I'd like to have more of a mention than being his 'poor quirkless son at the mercy of a monster'" now that makes Tomura actually stop playing and divert his attention fully! Even if it was said with grand theatric gestures.

"That was you? Your dad was a hero?" The last part was spat, however still conveying the elders apprehensiveness to the claim.

"I'd hardly call him my dad I didn't even know the guy, he didn't even know my name! That self entitled git was asking for it! But just because I'm quirkless I'm not even a suspect!" Oh it felt good to rant about it, to get angry. Especially now someone was actually paying attention and couldn't judge him or think particularly badly of him. They're villains for crying out loud!

"You know most people react differently to killing someone for the first time, are you sure you're okay Rabbit?" It was Kurogiri speaking up for the first time in the conversation with what could be a raised eyebrow? It's hard to tell when he's made of mist. "Although it does explain the blood and timing when you got here..."

"Oh I'm perfectly fine, never better!" Rabbit replies with one of his wide Cheshire smiles. "In fact, I would do it again!"

"More of a March hare than a rabbit, it seems" concluded Kurogiri, dismissing Shigaraki's confused look at the statement.

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