Bullying Part 2

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Obviously I decided to do a part 2. Hope you enjoy :)

Bullying is when something is happening that hurts a person physically and/or emotionally repetitively.

Social media is a major source of bullying cases. Please watch what you put out there because once you click send or post, it can never be deleted. It is there forever.

Believe it or not, a bystander is just as much at fault as a bully is.

Standing or doing nothing, knowing about something and ignoring it, or even laughing with the bully/ies actions is also a crime.

Let's say that you knew that someone was getting bullied over and over again and you did nothing about it and then the person who was bullied killed themself. How would you be able to live with yourself knowing that you could've done something to prevent it?

Help the victim out. Get a group of multiple people and stand up for each other. Outnumber the bullies. Tell an adult that can do something about it. Don't just tell your best friend and take no action. Get out there. Make a difference in the world.

Next up. Are you a victim? How do you know when you are a victim? See how many of these statements below applies to you.

-A group of people are physically hurting you that result in marks or scars or skin color change at the time.

-One person is physically hurting you that results in marks or scars or skin color change at the time.

- You are scared or nervous to come to school because of certain events that have been occurring.

- You are repetitively receiving negative messages or comments about yourself that make you feel sad or emotionally unstable.

- People are doing things that hurt you physically and emotionally even after you tell them to stop.

- Events are occurring that cause you to have suicidal thoughts or actions.

If you can check off almost all of the items on this list, you are a victim and you need to get help now. If you can check off at least half of the list, you are still a victim and you should not ignore it. If you can check off a few of the items then you need to make sure that the problems stop before they turn into something else.

Do not be afraid to ask for help. Trust in someone. Live your life the way it should be lived, carefree and non judgemental.

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