Loyal Friends vs Phonies

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In life other than your family, the best thing to have is a close friend. Someone you can confide in. Someone you can trust. Someone who always has your back. But if you choose the wrong friend. The wrong companion. Your whole life could go haywire. They could trick you into doing things you don't want to do. They could betray your trust over and over again. In the following paragraphs I'm gonna help you determine, choose, and ensure you a best friend.

1. Qualities of a long term friend.





Those 4 characteristics listed above must be in a friend for it to result in a long term relationship. Everybody has other extra preferences, like for example. Some people might like their friends to have a sense of humor.

2. How you find a best friend.

Finding a best friend is one of the hardest parts I believe to this process. Friendships are made by fate. You will instantly know when you find your best friend because you feel a sense of belonging and just a click. As long as your friend follows "T H F L" you are all set.

3. How you overcome arguments.

In every relationship whether between best friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend you always have arguments. You tend to feel like it's the end of the world and you and the other person will never be as close. Well here's what I have to say. You know if it's worth it. No one else can tell you that. Is the arguing and forgiving worth that person? If it was meant to be then you will know it. Argument wise, talk it out. Be open to listen to others opinions and thoughts. Compromise. Work It Out.

****Thx for all of the reads I really appreciate it. The next chapter is going to be a follow up of this one except it will feature one of my personal experiences with who I thought was my best friend.

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