Bullying Part 1

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Bullying is abuse and it happens everyday all around the world. Bullying is very serious and causes a lot of people to comit suicide over things that could've been prevented.

Really you would think to tell an adult if you are being bullied and don't get me wrong. That is the first thing you should do. Although I really think that the bystanders are the ones that can make a difference. Just 1 person speaking up for a victim can change a lot. Especially when more and more people start standing up for each other, the bully will have fear on picking on u and he/she won't.

Everyone starts out as good people but they turn bad when the have had some sort of trauma in their lives that make then feel distressed or lonely or powerless. Bullies pick on those they feel jealous of or those who have a disadvantage (such as being short or dyslexic etc.).

It is unfair and another thing I have learned is that if a person who is not being bullied smiles or says hi to the bully or something like that could change the bullies heart. You never know what anybody is going through in their lives.

Those out there who are being bullied just know that a lot of others are going through the same thing. People would NOT feel better if you were dead! Push through it. Get help. Do something. Harmful actions are not the answer.

By killing yourself, you are telling the bully that they have won. So all the torment you went through was for nothing. That doesn't even make sense.

Please:( DON'T COMIT SUICIDE! Do not cut yourself. Yes you might use that to escape the pain in the real world but all you end up doing is hurting yourself just as much.

You are beautiful/handsome. God makes everyone for a reason. (whether you believe or not) You were put on this earth with a purpose.

I don't know why people do the things they do but it just happens. Maybe when you get through the suffering you could help prevent people from going through the same hurt and abuse you did. Even telling your story could save 1 life.

I hope this inspired someone and I hope everyone who reads this shares the information with their friends so we can make a difference in the world.

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