Family Issues Part 1

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Parents fighting probably happens in everyone's life. I remember it started when I was very young. I thought it was very severe but I understand now it really wasn't. It's not like they were being physical or anything. They were just discussing something with the loud raised voices they have always had. I thought they were going to divorce or something like that. They never did and they still argue every once in a while.

LIFE LESSON: Just because your parents are arguing that does not mean they are going to divorce. I'm not saying that they will never divorce I'm just saying don't worry to much. Now if your parents do divorce it is not because of you. Your parents were probably having issues and not getting along like they used too. They still love you all the same. One more scenario. If your father is physically hurting your mom constantly or another person in the family constantly for no reason or because he is drunk or something like that, you may need to tell someone. Yes he is your father but that is not right and you or another family member should not have to go through any abuse.

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