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After a day at the arcade,Me,Edd,Eliot and Tord decided to watch some adventure time before Tom came back home.(you guys are in Tom's house,and Tom shares a house with Eliot)

"Hey Tord pass the popcorn!" Edd said,sitting down in between me and Eliot. Tord sighed and gave Edd the bowl of popcorn. Edd smiled and started eating the buttery treat. I smiled at Edd being adorable. Wait...Edd adorable? That's right I have a crush on the cola loving boy. I have been since Tord introduced me to him in 7th grade.

Flaaaaaaaash baaaaaaaack

"Hey Tord,who's this?" Asked a ginger as he saw me hiding behind the Norsk." This is my old friend from kinder in (state)! I kinda travel a lot!" Tord chuckled. I popped my head from behind him and saw three boys." Well,(y/n) meet Matt," Tord pointed at the ginger."Tom..." He smirked slightly as he pointed at a boy with a blue hoodie." -and Edd!" Then he pointed at a boy,drinking cola. He then waved and smiled at me. I squeaked and hid behind Tord again."heheh,she's kinda the shy type..." Tord chuckled. Edd nodded." Hey,(y/n),you don't need to be shy! Come 'er!" Edd then walked over behind Tord,where I stood and hugged me. I stood in shock,widening my eyes. I haven't had a hug in a long time." oooh~ Edd like the new girl~" 'Tom' whispered to Matt who was squealing at the scene. I blushed,feeling quiet awkward.

I giggled to myself,remembering that moment.

Then the movie started up.


We were half way through the 5th episode of Adventure Time,and Tord had said he was heading home to sleep. We all nodded as he left,covering his face with his scarf,as to not attract fangirls.

Eliot then turned off the lights as he changed the channel,making me and Edd groan in disappointment,but soon smiled as he put on Rick and Morty.

"You two are adorable!" Eliot snickered,resting his head on his hand.

Edd shrugged and I blushed a tad.


"Morty!" Yelled Rick,as he got cornered.

I giggled.

Edd looked over at you and blushed,then trailing his sights on to the TV.

I felt Edd adjust his sitting and laid an arm behind my neck,on the couch. I blushed,leaning in a bit and scooting closer.

We sat there,being blushy messes,as Eliot smirked at us.

"ELIOOoOooOt!!! Get me my vodka!" Yelled Tom as he entered the apartment.

"No!" Eliot yelled back at his boss.

Tom huffed and walked over to the living room where we all sat. Tom widened his eyes." What are you guys doing here?!" Tom asked,pointing at me and Edd. I shrugged,"Just a movie night Thomas! No need to be a grumpy pants!" I stated,gesturing to the Telly,even though we were watching animation cartoons.

Tom groaned," I'll be in my room,you better not make a mess,or Its out of Eliot's paycheck!" Tom warned. Eliot let out a pout,knowing that Edd was either going to spill cola or popcorn.

Edd chuckled,eating some more popcorn as Tom trudged to his room.



Sooooooo yeah,next chap will be some nice fluff k? I promise!

Edd:yay!! Cuddles

Me:hehe yep! Also I might wanna add a fair warning: updates are going to be slow,but I promise to try and write as much as I can during that time period

Tom:you better,because that Oceana cola person seemed rly happy about this

Me:Ik Ik,stop pressuring me Tom!

Tom:what someone has to do it*smirk*

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