To bed with you all

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We were watching the new season of The Walking Dead.(I cri)

I am now bawling my eyes out as I saw Glenn die.(sry spoilers) Edd held me close as he too was crying. Eliot was sniffling,trying to hold back tears.

How could Glenn survive a zombie infection but NOT A BAT!?!

Well at least Rick or Carl hasn't died yet....

"Why did he have to die?!" Edd cried into my shoulder,as I patted his back. Eliot raised a brow,looking over at us. I wiped my tears as looked at Eliot.

I gestured him to stop(Eliot),as I knew exactly what face he gave off.

He knew of my crush on this adorable kid like man.

I just had to tell people ok? I can't keep things hidden for long.

Eliot shrugged,smirking,and then frowned as he saw the TV.

"Shhh,Edd,we're missing out on the rest of the episode!" I pecked away his tears and he smiled.

I smiled back,and let Edd hug me as we watched the rest of this horrid episode.

Rick was currently outside the van,surrounded by zombies.

Edd held me closer,burying his head in my hair as Rick ran and hurt some walkers in the process. I blushed,feeling his warm body helping me warm up

"Hey guys,I'm trying to sleep! Turn off the TV and go to sleep!" Thomas yelled from his room. Eilot sighed." You guys want to sleep here?" He asked as he picked up the trash and bowls.

"Nah,my apartment is just down the street! (Y/n) would you like to come with me or stay here?" Edd looked at me with his cheerful brown eyes. I blushed even harder,nodding furiously. Edd smiled widely and stood up,grabbing my hand and pulling me up." Wellp,we better get going before Tom get moody!" Edd chuckled. Eliot snorted and raised a brow." When is he not moody?"Eliot snickered.

We all chuckled silently,turning out the lights and TV as we got ready to leave.

"Bye Elephant! Bye Tomcat!" I used their nicknames,waving only at Eliot." Bye Edd,(y/n)!" Eliot smirked at me,knowing why I wanted to go with Edd. I blushed and looked down at my feet,smiling.

"JUST GO ALREADY!" Thomas yelled from his room.

We all chuckled before me and Edd started heading off.

As we walked,I realized that it was a bit chilly. It was turning fall. The leaves on the oaks and birch have already turned into rich autumn colors.

"Look at the stars...their so pretty!" Edd pointed up at the sky,making me look up at a beautiful sky with constellations and a waning crescent moon.

It was beautiful.

"It's beautiful..." I smiled at it,tilting my head a bit. Edd smiled as well,glancing over at me.  "Not as beautiful as you..." He whispered,clearly not wanting me to hear. I blushed looking at my feet as we walked.

Edd's pov

(U saw it coming)

I blushed into my hoodie,taking some glances at the best girl next to me.

Yes I fell hard for this girl.

I can't help it!
(-plays 'can't help falling for you'-)

She's just so nice and cute!

Her silky,soft hair smells intoxicating.

Her (e/c) orbs are as if they were coated in glitter.

And her voice made me want to melt.

I loved her to bits but I don't want to come out so needy. Last time I did that,I ended up alone and grew depressed for 4 weeks.

Sighing,and recalling Valentine's Day,I continued on towards my house.


Your pov

I sat down on Edd's couch,before laying down.

"Good night Edd!" I called out to the childish man. He then ran up to me,well next to the couch." You going to sleep on the couch? No! Go up and sleep in my bed I'll sleep down here.." Edd said. I just groaned,rolling my eyes to the back of my head." Edd its your house, I don't want to intru-" I wa don't interrupted by Edd grabbing my hand and lifting me off the couch and upstairs to his room.

"I'm not taking no for an answer!" Edd smiled,grabbing a pillow and blanket for himself. He then turned and was about to leave when and grabbed his sweater, and pulled on it,causing us to fall back,landing on the floor.

I rubbed my head,witch banged on the wood part of the bed,and opened my slightly blurry vision.

I blushed furiously when I realized that Edd was straddling me,and leaning over me.

He blushed hard as well,but we didn't even struggle out of the position.

Then our eyes met,chocolate eyes with (e/c) orbs. His eyes glowed with happiness ,and mine of fluster.

"(Y/n)"Edd began to stutter,leaning in a bit more." Maybe w-we Sh-should s-sha-share the b-b-bed?" He looked to the side,blushing even harder,if possible.

I cupped his cheek and made him look at me. I smiled and nodded. He smiled as well.

I then felt how warm his blush was as I drew back my hand.

Edd got up and helped me to my feet again,and we both walked to different sides of the bed.

I laid down,pulling the covers over me,but didn't want to as Edd wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to his chest,spooning me. He provided me with the warmth I needed but I still kept the thin sheet.

"Good night,love..." Edd whispered into my hair. I nuzzled his chest,hugging him close." Good night,Edd..." I whispered.

I felt a smile tug at his lips,witch triggered mine as we laid on this man's bed,cuddling and whispering nothings to each other.



Yay!! Fluff etc etc! Hope you like!

Tom:no one is going to like this....

Me:*turns head at a 360 degrees* you little-

Edd:*blocks view*hey read chan,um..sorry Author chan got a bit aggressive!

Me:*growls in a low voice* I ain't aggressive....

Tord:I would shock them with the shock collar I got them,but I'm enjoying the Jehovah getting eaten up by a kid....*smirks*

Edd:oh uh-hehehehhe.....bai reader chan....?

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