Ever since I had my realization I avoided gene at work, Travis was talking to me and we were still good friends; although I could tell he was seriously thinking. I almost hoped he'd find someone, so I could be closure and move on. Selfish I know.

I hated Monday's, I'll say it again and again. 8am-8pm BUT I had to be there at 7 to help open, and I usually didn't leave till around 8:30-9:00.

"Good morning!" I chirped as I opened the doors, I was greeted by KC, Garroth & Aphmau.

"Good morning Mythera~chan!" KC walked up to me "Aphmau~Senpai was talking to me, and she said Gene~Kun thinks you're avoiding him. Why?"

"Oh uh... I'm not avoiding him." I smiled "I guess I just haven't talked to him in a while."

"So why haven't you answered my texts." I heard gene behind me.

"My phone is broken." It wasn't a lie, I had dropped my phone and it wasn't working. I hadn't talked to anyone in a while.

"Alright.. I though you were avoiding me." Gene Ruffles my hair before disappearing.

I was, but I couldn't tell him that.


We unlocked the door and our usual morning costumers fled into the cafe.

Mornings, lunch and around 5 were our busy hours. And when I say busy I mean a line outside the cafe. We were 'kinda' popular.


"It's your break time!"  Aphmau stated after 2 hours and pushed me towards the break room.

I sat down and stared at the calendar, it was the 7th of November. I took a deep breath and leaned back, I was already tired. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep, and all I wanted was sleep.

Gene walked into the break room with a plate of cookies and glanced at me "i wasn't stealing cookies." He coughed placing them behind him.

"Give me a cookie and I won't rat you out." I smirked.

He threw a cookie at me and took a seat.

I nibbled on the edge of the cookie and stared at my knees, I still couldn't look gene in the eyes. Ever since my realization. But I knew it couldn't be true-I liked Travis still and I knew that.


Closing time took longer, it was only me and gene since everyone had to go to some... Thing I don't.

"Mythera." Gene called out to me.

I groaned and walked over to him, I glanced at him "wh-" he was standing shirtless, but his bow was still on.

"The bow won't untie. I knotted it... Can you help me?" He laughed nervously.

"Dumbass." I groaned stepping towards him and attempting to untie the knot. "How did you get this into a knot?"

"I pulled the side but it only knotted it! I must of tied it wrong."

"Of course you did.." I shook my head and felt something on my waist, gene pulled me into a hug.

"What the-"

"Do you like me, Mythera?" He whispered into my ear.

"As a friend?Of course." I slightly pushed away then pulling the bow off "done." I handed it to him and turned around.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into my regular cloths, by the time I got out gene was gone. Which meant I had to lock up.

*** I walked outside and fixes my scarf as I began to go towards my house. My car was in the shop, so I'd been taking the bus & walking lately.

I heard footsteps behind me, as I glanced back I seem Jordan. "What the hell..." I muttered speeding up, Jordan didn't live anywhere near me. Which meant unless he was on a 10pm walk, he was following me. Every turn, every twist. He was right behind me.

So finally I stopped and turned around "what do you want!" I yelled towards him.

"Mythera shut up and keep walking." He sped up and took me by the waist as we walked.

"What the hell-"

"Mythera I was walking by the shop on the way to my grandmas. I got off work late and I noticed a guy was standing outside. He follows you when you left so so did I. He's still behind us. So if you'll thank me now, I'm helping you get home safe."

I gulped, a guy was following me? "Thank you..." I mumbled. I still hated him, but I owed thanks for this.

We got next to my house but only kept walking "we don't want him to know where you live. Go to Travis house and knock on the door. Crawl through the window back into your own house."

I nodded and walked up to Travis' and dantes house ringing the doorbell, Jordan stayed beside me.

Travis opened the door and yawned "what do you want so la-" he seen me and Jordan "hey Mythera- Jordan..."

"Listen someone's following Mythera. She doesn't want to go home right now." Jordan stepped back "see ya later." He waved and walked off towards his grandmas.

I glanced back as if waving and noticed the guy was still there, I quickly glanced at Travis and he moved out of the way allowing me in.

"Why were you with Jordan?"

I told Travis what had happened, I was mad at gene for leaving me there alone. We lived close enough it shouldn't of been hard for him to at least walk with me part of the way.

"Damn.." Travis sighed "well you can go home whenever- or just stay the night."

I glanced down "I should go home, I'm in jeans and -"

"I can borrow you something."

It sounded like he wanted me to stay. "Fine." I smirked.

I ended up in a pear of Travis' sweats, along with a sweatshirt that was VERY comfy and he WONT be getting back for a while.

"Ta-Da!" Travis smirked.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes and yawned, it was midnight now.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll go to the couch."

"No no, I can't take your bed from you." I muttered.

"So what do you want me to do then? We could share." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yes." I mumbled, he looked kinda shocked but nodded "alright."

We got into the bed, I stayed close to the edge but not too far from Travis. "Night... And thank you, Travis."

"Anytime Mythera." He muttered.


I couldn't sleep, so I decided to watch Travis sleepy. That sounds super creepy-but I swear it wasn't as creepy as it sounds.

Travis was facing me and I faced him, I was staring at him while he was sleeping-okay it's creepy.

I closed my eyes once again attempting to sleep, a few seconds later I felt a hand around my waist and I was pulled closer to Travis. My face heated up, but it was ok.

I hate Mythera x Gene, but love Mythvis. But- EH no spoilers ;)

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