As I neared the lake my Palms began to sweat.Okay I might as well Get this over with.I walked to the door of the abondoned House. Maybe it's a trap, maybe they are going to kill me, Maybe-the door opened to reveal THE ONE, THE ONLY, JACKASS MARCO!!! He pushed me to the wall "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" shouted at him " inspection, to make sure you don't have any weapons with you" he said." Oh You mean this " I stabbed him with the pocket knife hidden in my hand.
I dashed up the stairs and looked for Leah " LEAH, WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed " I'M IN HERE " She shouted. I Quickly Followed her voice and it led to The door at the end of the corridor. "Leah?" I asked. Then I heard someone Behind me. when I turned around Next thing I knew I was being Strangled I tried screaming But I Figured that was Very Stupid since I was strugling for air so I tried kicking him/her. He then covered my Mouth and nose with a peice of cloth.
I didn't try to Inhale since I knew there would be some kind of Chemical in the cloth." come on just breathe it in" I was already losing breathe so I accidentaly Inhaled the strong substance. Stupid me Stupid, Stupid Stupid. Then I fell into The darkness.
I opened my eyes and I notice I wasn't in my bed. Then it Dawned on me that I was supposed to save Leah." Good you're up now come with me" a big creepy man said. I didn't want to get hurt so I followed him. He knocked on thedoor to the left " She's Awake" he said then he motined for me to come in. I entered the room and noticed that the wall facing the door was made out of glass.
"Ah Dear Natalia" the guy said. He then Gestured for me to sit down "Allow me to introduce myself I am Nikario but please call me Nik" he said sitting down. He had long blonde hair and his suit were all white, he actually looked a lot like Chris Hemswhorth. "um what am I doing here?" I asked " well we have been keeping our Eyes on you and we have decided to tell you about our world, you see we can't let humans know about us it could kill us all but instead we decided we should make a move" then I realized Mae our old friend knew about Leah and decided to tell everyone until one day she dissapered "Mae...You killed her.." he looked at me and sadly smiled " we had to protect ourselves" he sadly said "you could have pursuade her to NOT tell everyone" I said at him angrily "we did but when we discharged her, she made a move again" he said calmly
"what about me?" I asked. He sighed "well we made a new law" he said "and?" I asked " this involves you" he said standing up and pacing "me?" I asked warily "yes you it involves you, as we said we have been keeping our eyes on you and we noticed you are the only one who kept your promise" he said know looking at me "why what happened to the others?" I asked "they didn't follow through their promise" Nik sadly said looking down.
"now back to the subject, we need to ask you, do you want to become a vampire?" Nik asked." why vampire only?" I asked "it's the only thing that can be available" Nik said "is there another way that i can say yes to?" I asked wariliy. He nodded "well there is one" Nik said "you have to be on our squad" Nik said. I looked at him and then I looked outside " what kind of squad?" I asked "angel squad" Nik said sitting down on his chair "what exactly do you do " I asked " we keep the world in peace" he said.
I don't know if I want to be a vampire but I definetly do NOT want to kill innocent humans, so I have no other choice but to accept the last deal. I nodded "I'll take the last one" I said to him."but what exactly do I do?" I asked. Nik smiled and said " simple you save anyone who needs saving, and you need to report here once a week and you have to sign this papers" he said smiling. I shook his hand and I signed the Papers.
" where is Leah?" I asked Nik. " Congratulations that shall be your first mission" he hapily said " oh and I almost forgot" he clapped his hands then I felt something painfully grow out of my back then I saw my reflection on the glass window. "here" he led me to a room made out of mirrors. My Jaw dropped to the floor when I saw Huge Black wings and then my palms were like glowing. " why are they black?" I gestured to the wings. "oh you se people often mistaken white wings for pure heart but the more black it is the more pure your heart is and I am impressed I have never seen a human who had Black wings when they changed" he said. Nik explained about my abilities and it included flying, super strength, hearing and sight, I can retract My wings too.
I said my goodbye's and flew to the lake near the clearing using my wings, I felt the rush of the air on my face, my hair whippping behind me and I can see every detail too, I reached my destination and ran to the door smashing it. I saw Marco looking mad." where's leah!" screamed he ran to me but I surprisingly did a backflip. I kicked him lightly in the back making him fall down on his stomack then stepped one leg on his back "where is Leah!?" I growled. He didnt answer so pressed my foot harder on his back "WHERE.IS.SHE?" I asked "he pointed up and I ran upstairs and listened for leah. I heard soft cries at the first door on my left so I opened it and ther I saw leah. I Quickly grabbed her hands and used my strength to break the ropes then I did the same to her legs.
I opened the window and grabbed Leah I carried her on my back and jumped suddnely I heared a chorus of growls."cast a spell please Leah something to make us Invisible" she suddnely muttered somthing latin and I ran only causing me to trip on a stupid rock. Then a Werewolf Dragged me back to them. I tried kicking him but he wouldn't budge. Then leah did something to all of them that would make them cower in fear so I just picked her up and I used my wings to fly near the house then I ran to Leah's Bedroom Window and flew inside. "you need to explain all of this " she said. so I explained about the agreement and when I finished she started bombarding me with questions. I answered them and she got a text message from her parents tellling her to call them. so I left her and went to my room and I stared at nothing until I drifted into sleep
Crappy I know but stay tuned becuase things are going to get bad for The four girls Friendship
mostly For Val and Jace's Relationship..
Camille just told me she would give me skittles when school starts again so YYAAAAAY FOR SKITTLES AND CAMILLE <3
Jeanne I want some skittles...
and remeber Voting and Commenting is allowed so go ahead this can be like christmas present for me so please please please Vote and Comment it's the second only thing that will make me happy, well the first thing is skittles, skittles never leave nuber one so if this book reaches 100+ Votes and comments I would sadly say skittles is now demoted to number three, wanna know why? because all of you would be placed on 1 then the Votes and comments would be numbah 2 =D
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
-Max </3
that's Natalia on the side ; )

VampireWhen two worlds collide there will be heartaches, broken hearts and sacrifices. Valerie is just a normal 16 year old girl. She was living her normal life. Atleast she thinks it is normal. But it isn't. Even the ones she trusted the most b...