Chapter 2

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"You'll be fine. Trust me you'll be fine. Stop doubting yourself!" "They're going to hate you though, no one likes you as it is and now you're going to make that worse for yourself" the voices in my head argued amongst each other. "Shut up!" I hissed. Of course only one did. "You're walking into living hell, good luck pal" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
I began listening to the voice. Tomorrow would be one of the scariest things I would ever have to do. I was moving to a new school. I had always found it hard making friends, but I was settled with a few close friends. Being popular was something I knew I would never achieve. But I liked it that way. But I was in a new town and the only person I had to talk to at the moment was my cat, and she is not the best at replying.  "Hey" I closed my eyes and to my dismay, Black was now in control of my mind. "What?" I hissed, trying to pretend I wasn't petrified. Black was why I was here, in this strange apartment in a new school in an entire different state. Black had killed me. Black one of the voices in my head and when he took over, god only knows what would happen. "You can relax, Tylie" he said in his sickening sarcastic tone. "I'm not going to do anything. I'm tired, we had such a long journey here. Why are we even- oh wait, I know! You're so fucked up and insane you drove us away from Columbus! Shame on you, Tylie" I hated that nickname and I hated him. He was why we were here, yes, he might be in my head, he might be an alter ego, but he's one I can't control. "Anyways baby boy I just thought I'd give you some advice actually, you know, I'll admit I've given you a hard time, but you don't matter Tyler, you're my experiment and if you were sane like a normal person-" "get to the god damn point, Black" I spat. I hated that; being considered abnormal. It makes me sick to my stomach to just hear it. "Well someone's feisty today! Aren't we Tyles? All I'm going to tell is good luck baby boy, not everyone is the person they seem."
'Josh Dun sent you a friend request' I looked at the notification and smiled. The boy I'd met earlier had sent me a friend request on Facebook, a site I actually didn't use very often, yet kept anyway. Black made me keep it. I clicked the little button to confirm our new friendship and then clicked on his profile. His profile picture was a picture of him sitting holding two long sticks, he was wearing a cap backwards, with bright red hair peeping through. I laughed. Something about him just made that work, I can't imagine any other guy being able to pull that look off. "Tyler, you idiot!" I turned around, startled. Red was sitting on top of my desk. "Sorry Ty, I really didn't mean to scare you" I smiled at him, "you didn't, really". I didn't mind Red. Red, had his moments where he could be mean, but he was usually nice to me, whenever Black upset me, Red always tried to make me feel better. "Why did you accept that request so soon? He'll think you're a stalker, don't think about it though, he seems too popular for you, I'm sure he has tons of notifications. Yours will hardly matter to him" Red hadn't been this mean to me in a while, he wasn't necessarily being mean, it just hurt me because his words were most likely true. "You're alone, remember?" I whispered to myself and began tapping my fingertips against my left temple. This was the advice my doctor from Columbus had given me. "Red, is it okay if you leave? I'd like to be alone." He didn't look happy, but headed towards the door, nonetheless. "I'll leave, but I see what you're doing, Tyler. I'm as real as they come" he said, before disappearing behind the door.

His words were still sitting tightly in my mind. Why did that hurt me so much, was it something about Josh? He was my only friend here, I know we weren't necessarily friends, but I wanted to be around him. I don't know what it was about him.

// I wrote such long chapters I'm sorry !!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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