Chapter 6: The Little Girl in the Moon

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"You know," sighed Annabelle ", somebody once told told me (that the world was gonna roll me) about a little girl in the moon." Luna turned around to face Annabelle "A little girl in the moon? But we live in the moon."

"It's a story mom used to tell me all the time, are you saying you've never heard it?!"

"Well I've only been here for a year."

Annabelle gave Luna a sympathetic smile "Well, once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in the moon. This little girl, despite not having a family, was a very cheery Moonweaver with an adventurous spirit and whenever she went into a room, the mood would change from sad and bleary, to bright and happy!" Luna made a confused face "What does mood mean?"
"I dunno, thats how mom always tells it. Anyway, one day, this little girl adventured into a a small room consisting of a table, a bucket of ink, a paintbrush, and a hole with enough light to survive. The little girl thought the room was quite boring and turned to leave, only to find that the entrance was gone."
"But, that doesn't make sense!"
"Be quiet and listen silly!" Annabelle playfully whacked her friend on the head with her small hands. Luna turned away, her short wavy hair bouncing. "The little girl at first thought nothing of it, thinking someone would be bound to find her. For days she drew on the table covering the light grey rock in black doodles of her and her family with the day number decorating the table here and there." Annabelle stopped to draw a poorly drawn example of what the table would have looked like. "I can use my imagination, Annabelle." Luna pouted like the child she was. "Fine then, you'll just have to miss out on all the great works of art you could have seen!

 "Fine then, you'll just have to miss out on all the great works of art you could have seen!

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As i was saying, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. The little girl grew impatient. 'I want to go home.' She said out loud one day, though she knew nobody could hear her. She made one last mark on the table, now completely black as the void. The lonely girl looked at the bucket of ink, there was still about half left. 'I want to talk to someone. I want to go home.' The little girl finally began to panic 'I want to- i have to- I NEED TO GO HOME!' she screamed, the high voice ringing through the walls the once happy girl grabbed the table and attempted to throw it at what once was the entrance, but the table was too heavy. She grabbed the paintbrush and thew it. The brush, wet with the ink, hit the wall with a spatter, her white dress has a stain. Panic ran through the girl like a meteor speeding by as she grabbed the last thing available and held it over her head."
"The bucket of ink." Luna said in a small whisper. Annabelle nodded "However the ink proved to be too heavy for the small girl and it tipped over, spilling all the ink onto her hair and dress. The girl fell to her knees. Her once colorful blues and purples in her hair had been drowned out by the ink leaving nothing but a broken girl with stained clothes and black hair."

Annabelle looked at her friend's artwork "Woah! Thats really good!" Luna smiled sheepishly "Its not that good anyone could do better

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Annabelle looked at her friend's artwork "Woah! Thats really good!" Luna smiled sheepishly "Its not that good anyone could do better." Annabelle grabbed Luna and shook her back and forth, "We're only 10 and your saying anyone our age could do it?!" she exclaimed loudly. Luna stopped Annabelle from shaking "I said anyone not anyone our age. Besides it's not that good." she corrected. "It's still better than mine." Annabelle mumbled "How'd you get so good anyway?" Luna looked to the side and shrugged "I had a lot of practice." Annabelle decided to let it go and continued the story. "The great moon god heard this cry and came down upon the broken girl. 'What troubles you, little Moonweaver?'
'Oh great moon god,' she cried ',I want to go home! I implore you! Let me go home!' The moon god understood how desperate this girl was and agreed to let the girl return. Just as the god was about to allow her to return, the girl stopped them 'I want to forget.' she said in a hoarse whisper. The god pondered this for a moment and thought of an offer 'I will give you a new life, on one condition.'
'Whatever you desire it is yours.'
'Avoid returning to this room at all costs. If you do happen to return,' the god stopped. 'What will happen?' the girl whispered in fear. The god said nothing and reached out and stroked the girl's hair, the girl looked into their eyes and at that moment, all fear left her body. 'I agree to your terms, thank you.' And with those words, she disappeared, and somewhere on the outskirts of town, was a girl dressed in pure white."

"Luna!""What?""Where's the rest of the color?!""You said pure white, i gave you pure white

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"Where's the rest of the color?!"
"You said pure white, i gave you pure white. Minus the hair."
Annabelle socked Luna in the shoulder "You silly, you don't have to draw everything out!" Luna rubbed her shoulder and chuckled. "What a sad story." Luna said "Sad? I think it's pretty happy! The girl got another chance!" Annabelle said extending her arms out. "Hey, do you think a room like that really exists?"

"I don't know, maybe?"

Annabelle noticed how Luna seemed to be let down "I know!" We'll ask Lunette! She knows everything, come on!" Luna smiled brightly and nodded "Ok!"


"Alright," Luna said to herself "Lunette's place we go."

A/N: Next chapter is Luna's PoV

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