Chapter 3 - I trust you

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Hi everyone.

Sorry it has been so long since I updated! I promise you new chapters will be coming left right and centre :)


Chapter 3:


"Dad, I need to know this!" I say quietly. I am not trying to attack him, but I need to know what is going on.

"Look, I...I have been researching the wall, Logan and both have, I mean, you know that and..." Dad pauses for a moment. "We were not only researching the wall, we were researching our society, the commander, the empire. We were researching everything we are told to take as right. We were researching the foundations of our society. When we were doing this, we found things, things that the Commander and his team, hoped were buried forever. We decided...We decided, us and some others, to act on this. To make a move. To, to expose the Commander..." He finishes his sentence and looks up at me.

I look away as the realisation hits me. It is him. It is my father. He is the one that the school head was talking about. No...It can't be!

"Wow, I, I— " I take a step back on the creaking floorboards.

"Liberty please –" Logan tries to interrupt me and stretches his hand out to me, but stops short as he realises I no longer trust him.

"No! NO! it was you!? It was you Logan. You forced my dad to do this! He never would have done this without you." I hit Logan's hand away in my anger.

"Liberty, please. It wasn't—" Dad tries to start defending Logan. I can't believe him!

"No, No. I'm leaving and don't any of you try to follow me!" I go to start walking away from both of them.

In my anger, I don't hear the heavy footsteps, perfectly in sync marching past our front door. I feel Logan's harsh grip grab my arm and pull me out of the doorway, flat against the wall. I try to struggle, to pull away, but he is too strong. I stay there, a million thoughts running through my mind, before I decide I can't take it anymore. I whip around and face Logan.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me" I snarl.

"LIBRETY!" Dad says, his voice raised. "Don't you speak to Logan like that, he was trying to help you and quite frankly if he didn't you probably be in in the Commanders custody right now!"

"Anywhere would be better than here" I reply arrogantly, my voice raised. I cannot deal with them any longer, so I run. I run away from the house, away from my father, away from everything.

"LIBRETY!" LIBRETY! NO, I'M SORRY!" I hear my fathers anguished cries as I run away, his voice getting softer and softer, sounding defeated. I don't look back, I can't stop.

I don't get very far before I run out of breath. My anger is what kept me going, but now that that's gone, I crumble to the floor. Once the first tear leaves my eye, the rest follow in pursuit. I feel the stream of sadness running down my face, the taste of salt on my lips as sobs rack my body. I feel a lump in my throat as I look up, hearing small, timid footsteps walking past me, obviously trying not to disturb me. I look up and instantly recognise who is there.

"H...ey" I try and say, but my voice cracks and my sentence comes out like a whisper.

"Hey!" I say this time more strongly. "Wait...Please..." I start of confidently but by the time the last word leaves my lips, I feel myself falling back into an abyss of sadness.

I watch he, the boy from the school, gets up and runs off. My sadness forgotten I pull myself up and head after him.

"Wait! Please!" I yell after him. I was right about him earlier, he looks like someone from the empire, but he has the persona of someone from the Southden region. The more I think about it, there is no way he could be from the empire, he knows his way around here like the back of his hand. I live in the Southden region, but even I don't know my way around this area as well as him.

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