Chapter 4: I'm Sure

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I am so sorry that it has been so long since I updated but I am back and better than ever. THis isn't completly proofread so bear with me XD.

I have also entered this story in the Wattys2017! OMG!

Anyway, I hope you love ittttt.


Chapter 4:

"Okay, so all the doors are off limits. It will take approximately another 45 seconds for the guards to storm this place. Out only option is to stay inside, and hidden." He has a determination in his face like nothing I've ever seen before.

"Um..." I don't know what to say but then I remember I told him I would trust him, and trust him I must do. "Okay, well then let's go because if I calculate the time you spent talking we have 32 seconds left." I look at him.

We get up and run though corridors, turning left, right, then left again. This place is a lot bigger than it looked from the outside.

"Wait..." I heave, my lungs running out of breath. "How much longer?"

"Just...Just c'mon, we're almost there!"

As we run again I lose track of the turns we make before I am abruptly pulled to the side and into blackness. I look around quickly, unable to see anything. My arms flail around until I feel something hard and hear a small recognition of pain.

"Seriously Liberty!" It's Alex.

I hear a click and watch as light suddenly fills the small space. Thank God!

The time passes slowly; it is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Just as I open my mouth to start conversation I hear the thud of boots passing by us. Alex holds up a finger, as if to tell me to be quiet, as if I was going to talk when I am frozen in fear. It doesn't take long for the footsteps to fade and I let out the breath I have been holding in. I can't bring myself to talk again incase someone hear us so I pass time inspecting out surroundings.

I watch as the lights flicker, once every 15 seconds. Their old yellow glow basks the room in light.

I stand up, suddenly realising the room is a lot bigger than I first thought. I walk around, taking everything in. I see the fireplace, somehow lit, crackling and giving warmth to the atmosphere. I stare at the marble mantelpiece above the fireplace, the marble looked as if it was from the empire itself. But how is that possible? We are in the poorest part of the Southden Region, yet there is a house, almost as big as some in the empire with furniture looking as If it belongs to the rich and wealthy.

"I can see your confused" Alex says, not sounding as smug as he usually does, he sounds, almost normal.

"Yeah..." I say, I am confused. "I have an idea; I didn't get to finish asking my questions because we were so rudely interrupted by the guards." His face hardens. I guess he thought he got out if it aye?

"My second question's your deal? By that I mean what's going on, how you know me, why you want me so on, please. I need an answer."

He turns to face me. "Are you sure?"

I look into his eyes. "yes. I'm sure".

"I am a part of the Shadows. We believe in creating a better nation, a better society and a better us and –" I cut him off.

"Seriously? Is that like your rehearsed motto? I need to know the truth, not your propaganda". I get where he's coming from but I need a proper answer.

He sighs. "Basically we are a liberation group, we know the truth about the commander and our society. We know the truth about things most people only dream of. I can't tell you everything Okay?" I go to protest but he keeps talking. "Even if I wanted to tell you, I couldn't, but anyway. Look, we believe in you, and trust me, there are more of us than you think. We believe in you because Liberty, you are special. Even if you don't know it yet, we do."

"Are you messing with me right now?" I try to keep a straight face but my mind is racing. Could what he is saying be true?

"Liberty, I can promise you one thing, and that is that I will never lie to you. Have you ever, seen something that no one else has, or heard something that no one else has?" I avoid looking at him. I think back to the cone of light, the crackling of electricity that deafened me, but no one else.


"I HEAR SOMEHTING! OVER HERE!" A loud mail voice yells. It takes Alex and I both a split second to work out what is going on. He instantly jumps up and pills the light switch, plunging the room into darkness.

"Liberty..." I hear him whisper. "Over here, hurry!"

"I follow the outline of his figure as my eyes are still adjusting to the dark. I strain my eyes to watch what he is doing. I hear a faint click as he pulls me into a small space and closes what seems to be a makeshift door. A CRACK fills the air as I hear something hard ram through the wall, not far from where Alex and I are hiding. We crouch, making ourselves even smaller as if that will somehow stop them from finding us.

"BOYS! I FOUND SOMETHING, THROUGH HERE!" I hear the yells of what I can only imagine to be an army officer. I hear soft footsteps walking around the room, getting closer to us, then waking away. I hear a click as I realise they have found the light switch. I see the small sliver of light underneath the door and my heart races. I feel like I am back in that closet, watching through a crack as my mother is taken from me. I try to shake all thoughts out of my mind but they keep haunting me, chasing me.

"This house gives me the creeps man." I hear the soldiers talking to each other.

'I know! They say It used to belong to that man. What's his name, Nicholas?"

"Isn't he the one who went crazy."

"Yeah, well that's what they say. Rumour has it he found something out and was killed for it, but of course it was ruled a suicide."

"No way!"

"Yeah, but I mean we can't really say anything can we, it's not like we want it to happen to us". Both the men chuckle before switching off the light.

"Nothing in here boss" One of the soldiers' calls out.

Alex and I wait for what feels like eternity before moving from our small, curled up positions and slowly peeking out of our hiding place. I look t him. I watch how he knows exactly what to do in any situation. How he moves with such precision. He is like a lion. Evidently a leader. Someone who knows exactly what to do in any situation.

I must have been staring or too long because he catches me in the act. I look at my feet, ashamed and embarrassed hoping he can't see the red flush rising on my cheeks in the dark.

"Um...can we go now" I say shyly. I am never shy! Not around boys, not around anyone! What is going on!?

"Yeah..." He sounds more embarrassed than me. "C'mon, we have still got to be careful, they could till be here but it's too dangerous to stay. Okay?"

I snap back into reality. I have to be at my best, I can't be stuck thinking about some boy I only met today! "Let's go then" I say, my face stone hard. No-one is distracting me today. No one.

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