Chapter 1

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So here's chapter one! I hope you like it! Hope you guys comment it! I really don't know how to insert pictures through mobile though. Argh! Somebody teach meh! Btw, Vladimir Alexis is played by Ian Somerhalder And imagine Tom Hiddleston as Maximus Fronteu. :p

Years after years of settling from one place to another, having more than 70 Degrees and Masters in different kinds of subjects, Vladimir Alexis began to feel tired. He appeared as a male in his early 20s, but he could also have been an 18-year-old male. He forgot at what age he was turned. The least he could do was go to high schools or colleges and study as much as he can. He does love gaining new knowledge. Vladimir is not the type to work under someone's supervision, so he never bothered to find or try working. He is after all a Master. He cannot tolerate being told what to do and what not. He became a Master after his father, the previous Master died. His father was one of the first vampires in history.

Throughout the decades, the vampires had gained a way to be able to stand beneath the burning Sun. In the 15th century, the vampires made a treaty with the Druids. The Druids provided the vampires accessories like necklaces, rings, or earrings bewitched by them to make them not get burnt by the sun. In exchange, the vampires provided them with safety for centuries. To this day, the Druids are still under their protection.

Vladimir knows all the languages the world could offer. As he gathered his things, ready to move to his last destination, where he hope he'd finally find his one and only mate, he heard a knock on the door. Without turning his head, he knew who it was. It was none other than his second in command, one of the Elders, Maximus Fronteu, a tall man with vibrant blue eyes, his long brown wavy hair slicked back almost touching his shoulders, who had been in his company as long as Vladimir had lived. When a vampire is more than a thousand years and has proven themselves to be loyal, they are offered blood from their Master. Once they tasted the blood, they can become leaders of their family, which is called the Elder.

" The plane's leaving in an hour. Are you ready?" Maximus asked. " Yes, yes, I just need to change first," Vladimir stood up to change. " What would you do if you don't find your mate there?" Maximus asked out of curiosity. Vladimir sighed.

Thousands of years had made him a husband to thousands of women, and he went to funerals more than he could remember. " If I don't find her in California, I'll search other places. I've been all around the place. The United States will be the last place. I hope... I will find her. I have a strong feeling about America, Maximus! You just stay here in Europe and take care of the clan. When I find her, I'll contact you," Vladimir gave Maximus a sharky smile. The clan in Europe is the biggest clan of Vladimir so he had entrusted Maximus to lead them. Maximus smiled affectionately. He squeezed his master's arms lightly. " I hope you do, master. I hope you do," Maximus muttered, more like praying.

Soon after, they went to the airport and bid their goodbyes. Vladimir board the plane and said goodbye to Paris.


Before he left for the United State, an Elder of his had settled everything for him, including admission to high school, transportation which he specifically requested a Porsche Panamera, and even a mansion. The clan's mansion. He'll be residing with 20 other clan members. All his stuff had been sent a few days before he left for America. So, everything is already in his room.

He was greeted by his very own son, Erik Carter, a tall muscular man who is the Elder that looks after the clans in a city called Lake Forest in Orange County, California. He has dark brown short hair, styled to the side giving him the authority look, with clear grey eyes which matched his father. Although, Vlad looked younger than his son. His son has a bulkier build, making Vlad look like the son. " Father!" Erik hugged Vlad tightly. It's been a few good hundred years since Erik last saw Vlad.

Submitting the Alpha (boyxboy) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now