Chapter 3

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Here's chapter 3. Can I at least have 5 votes? Or at least 2 comments! If you do, I might update faster! :D

Vlad's POV

"Father! Get up! Time for school!" I felt Erik woke me up. I'm not really that deep into sleep because I'm used to not sleeping. I opened my eyes and stared at the clock. Fuck it's 7.30 a.m. but I'm so lazy to get up. I sighed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I sigh again. As much as I love knowledge I just hate getting up early. Sunrise sometimes is just too painful. Although we can stay under the sun, I still have to use sunscreen. I'm old. I need high maintenance. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

After I had 2 bags of O positive blood, you know, just so I won't get hungry and attack random people, I went to my baby and admired her at least for five minutes before getting in and admired the interior for another five minutes that is when the fucktard I changed into a vampire banged my sweet Angela.
I gave the middle finger before I left.

The school parking lot was crowded by various kinds of weres. Too many smell. They're making me suffocate. Because I'm a thousand years old I have better hearing, eyes and obviously sense of smell. And ooh boy do I smelt HIM!! He's surrounded by at least 3 werewolves. Probably his pack members.

Wait. What is he doing here? I searched for him. Is he a teacher which probably not, he's an alpha who am i kidding, but he can not be just merely 17 or 18? I'd drain myself of blood if he's 16. I'm not kidding. That'll make me a legendary pedophile. Ok, 16 are babies to me. Even pedo bear can't beat me! At the corner of the parking lot I saw him holding books. Ok so he is a student. Damn he look fine. He do have a sense of fashion. He was wearing a black undershirt and a black leather jacket with studs on the shoulders. He had a black jeans on.

Then I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around and saw a hot tall blonde girl (ergh what a typical queen bee) smiling seductively at me. She smelt like a werecat. I raised an eyebrow. " err, yes? " I asked questioningly. She chewed her gum and twirled her hair with her finger. " You're new? Coz I would definitely remember a hunk like you," she blew her gum. I popped it. She seemed surprised by that. " as a matter of fact I am. Would you mind showing me around? I must be lucky to meet a hot girl like you on my first day," I gave her a wink. Hey before meeting the Alpha I am straight. Girls like her used to be in my bed all the time. I mean there's no harm in screwing a little. I've got needs. And I don't see my mate wiggling his butt for me. She beamed in happiness at the respond I gave her. She linked her arms with me and drag me to the office.

" Oh you must be Master Vladimir Alexis," the reception lady said. I smelt vampire on her. I smiled. I saw blondie's smile grew wider when she heard the word 'Master'. Typical bitch. The lady look around the papers and pulled out a piece. She handed it to me and said," here's your schedule for classes. And if you have anything you want you can go to the Principal, the Beta of the Midnight Shadow pack or if it's about academics, find the Alpha." She gave me a huge smile. So everyone did know. "He's the same year as me?" I asked. The lady nodded. Thank god he's 18!!

"Luckily, he's in ALL of your class," she gave me a knowing smile. Every vampires and werewolves would've heard how the Alpha refused to have me as a mate. Just because I'm more dominant than he is. I mean you can't expect me writhing under him and beg? He's like half the size of me. Then she turned to the girl beside me and bared her fangs. She gave her the meanest look ever. The girl backed a little. She must be an omega in her pack, or the vampires are really scary. I flicked my fingers and the reception lady stopped. "I'm off to class," I said and walked away with the girl. I just realized I didn't know her name.

"What's your name and from what pack are you?" I asked. "My name's Cynthia and I'm from the Jaguar Paw pack," she smiled. "Are you the omega?" "Nope, just a normal member. The omega stays home and look after the cubs," she said. I nodded. Things have changed. Back in the old days, they would chained and treated the omegas, males or females, like a total slave. For sexual purposes or just to let their steams off.

We walked to my locker and my oh my, will you look at that. There he is, leaning against the locker, talking to his friends. I walked to him. "Hello hello, what a surprise. This must be fate," I breathed into his ears. He stumbled to the side in shocked, with a hand raised to his ear. I could feel eyes on us. I smirked. "What're you doing here?" He asked, though he knows what I'm doing here. "Here's my locker you leaning on. Oh, yours beside me?" I licked my lips. I mean you have to admit, he have nice body despite being covered with all those tattoos. Cynthia stared at me. I saw Skylar's eyes on Cynthia. I could hear his wolf growling. Ooh somebody's jealous. I bent down and whispered at Cynthia's ear, "See you later."

Suddenly Skylar charged at Cynthia full force with his canines out with intention to kill her. She quickly ran away and I grabbed Skylar by his waist. He struggled to chase after Cynthia. But I'm too strong. I had a vice grip on his waist. He clawed at my arms. I grabbed his neck and lifted his head up with my claws under his chin. I gave him the glare. Works every single fucking time. He stopped struggling and whimpered a little. He have a strong determination on not to submit to me.

I turned him around and pulled him close to me with his back against my chest. I nestled in the crook of his neck. I took a deep breath of his scent. Ah I miss that. "Let go of me," Skylar gritted his teeth. I kissed his neck and let go. He put a hand on the place I just kissed and blushed. Aw he can blush! But it went as fast as it came. He quickly grabbed his bag and left with his friends. I smiled. Now everybody knows he's mine.

Skylar's POV.

Argh!!! Shut up wolf! Stop acting like a jealous bitch. And what the fuck is he doing with that bitch Cynthia?! I stomped away to my class. Ergh what a day to start with biology class. How worst could it get? Then I saw him walking into class. Luckily my table were already filled with my friends. Just because I'm the alpha didn't mean I can't have friends among my werewolves. I saw him went to sit beside Jenny, a wild cat and smiled seductively. She blushed. Does he always seduced girls like that?! He's a fucking thousands years old! That should be illegal! I growled a little. Ok not so little as I saw my friends heard that growl.

I know they're itching to say something but they kept it in. "What, Sean? Stop fidgeting," I said. "It's just.. That's just not you to lose your cool like that. So that's your mate, huh?" He asked. I sighed. "Yes but I don't want him," I said. "But you know your wolf might not really hate him as much as you do?" Finnick, my cousin, asked. "I don't care about my wolf. If I can't control him I am not fit to become an Alpha," I said. "It's not that, this is mates we're talking about," James, from the Jaguar Paw pack insisted. I opened my mouth a little, showing them my canines. They dropped the topic and paid their attention to the teacher. This is going to be so annoying.

"Ok for this year, I'm going to assign you seats," the teacher said. Everybody groaned. He lifted a finger and everybody shushed. He calle out the names and they went to their assigned seats. "Skylar Bones, Sean Preston, Jennifer Brian and the new student, Vladimir Alexis table 5," he said. I had my jaws opened. I gulped and went to table 5. Luckily Sean was in the same group as I am.

The vampire took a seat beside me where James used to seat. He put an arm around me. "This is fate I tell you," he grinned. I pushed his arms off. This is the worst first day of school ever!

So Im going to stop here. It's short coz I didn't have any motivation. I'll continue the rest of their first day on the next update. time to meet mikayla and she's no ordinary girl! I will only update if I get at least 5 votes or 2 comments.

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