Chapter 19

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3rd person's POV

Vlad turned around as he heard Skylar. He can feel his pain, anger and worries. Worried of their son. What happened? He can feel that he's loosing Skylar. he can feel him dying. Stop! Don't please! He quickly followed that howl. It echoed long enough for Vlad to know which direction and then find skylar's scent. It's distant but it'll do. He knew the others was following he so he didn't bother telling them. Soon he caught his mate's scent more clear. Skylar's around here but where?

"It seems that our little friends had been sealing off their surroundings. To keep everyone away. They're here, but we can't see them," Klaus said. He then pulled out a jar of ashes from his bag and chanted something as he threw the ashes around. Then, Vlad saw a spot where he can see fire. And then he heard the voices. And Skylar.

He dashed out to the spot slowly. Even if He needed to save Skylar quick He can't make a rash decision. They don't know what's there awaiting them. They hid behind the bushes. Before they went out for this rescue mission, they've covered themselves with pine oil to cover their smells. And boy does the witches had some powerful armies. Hundreds of them before they can even reach this place.

Vlad saw Skylar tied to a wooden table with his stomach opened. He growled low. Eric put a hand on his father's shoulder to calm him down. Then They saw at least 20 witches surrounding a magic circle with a baby in the middle of it. His baby!

He quickly lunged out and attacked the witches. They all knew Vlad was there apparently as they all already had those special magical shit of a dagger in their hands. The others came out too. As the Healer, Charles went to Skylar first.

"The baby," Skylar muttered. He almost passed out. Charles quickly healed him. "Don't worry, the baby's going to be fine," Charles tried to assure. "N-no. Y-you don't.. Understand. They already took it! They took his pow-" "YOU'RE TOO LATE, VAMPIRE!" Skylar's sentence was cut. Skylar whimpered.

Skylar couldn't hear the voice of his cub anymore. After he was sewed up and healed, he pulled the binds off, didn't even care about the wolfbane. Vlad was already in his vampire full mode. He no longer have his handsome face, nor his well built body. He was a creature, a creature to remind why people didn't go out at night centuries ago.

He had wings, elongated fangs and eyes of a crazy bat. He opened his mouth inhumanly and howled. He flew at the leader of the witch. Klaus went and grabbed the dying baby off the ground and used his power to keep the baby alive for awhile. "Stay with me, darling. Just a little while. Your daddies are going to save you," Klaus smiled a little. Skylar shifted to his glorious form.

He tear all of the witches into two with his sharp teeth. He didn't looked normal. He looked like a rabbid animal. The witches cursed him and sliced him, he didn't budged. He stood tall and mighty as a wolf.

"Now I have your son's power! You cannot destroy me that easily!" The witch laughed maniacally. She threw an orb at Vlad and Vlad didn't have time to dodge and it hit him. Vlad was electrified at a very high level of volts that he burnt. His wings were holed up and he fell down, hard. He spine was broken from the fall. The witch laughed and threw some fireballs and orbs at the other vampires and werewolves. They screamed as they were burnt to death.

Skylar roared loudly and the ground shook. His speed was doubled and his eyes were sharper. He saw everything in slow motion. He jumped onto a tree and hopped from trees to another till he reached a tree behind the witch. He jumped onto the witch and dragged her down along with him. The witch clawed him and stabbed him with her dagger, Skylar ignored the pain. He'll do anything to save his cub.

He bit off the witch's arm off. The witch screamed in agony. The witch muttered a spell and it hit Skylar. His arm fell off. Skylar screamed. But it didn't faltered him. He then pulled the other arm off and bit the witch's face. Skylar gave a signal to Klaus to come closer with his cub.

Klaus did as he was ordered and put the baby beside the witch. Klaus took out his dagger and stabbed the witch's heart. He took out her beating heart and chanted the spell they found in the ancient book. The Mohina's ancient book contained all sort of spells. Including how to take someone's power.

Apparently, they had been keeping themselves alive by taking other's powers. The babies weren't made just to become their armies. Some of them were made to have their powers taken. Klaus poured a blue powder on the heart and it glowed. He pushed the heart into the baby's chest. The baby's body eleviated and glowed in blue and then moved down.

Skylar changed back to his human form. His arm had already regrown. He grabbed his cub and cradled him. "Are you there? Please please tell me you're there," Skylar pleaded. He couldn't hear any heartbeats. Not even a breath. Tears fell down and he rocked the baby in his arms. "We're too late! We're too late!!!" He screamed.

Vlad healed and changed back to his normal self. He walked to Skylar and hugged him in comfort. "Vlad! We couldn't save him! We've failed!" Skylar cried. Vlad have Skylar kisses to calm him down. "Skylar, there's nothing we can do. We were too late. I'm sorry," Vlad muttered some more apologies.


Vlad heard. He looked up. Then another.

Thump thump thump.

It sounded like heartbeats. "Skylar!" Vlad said and took the baby from Skylar. Vlad gave a little of his power to the cub. Then the cub started to move. Skylar's eyes went wide and grabbed his cub back. "He's alive!! He's alive!!!" He hugged the baby tight and rocked him. "Ssh, ssh, cub, daddy's here. Daddy's here to protect you," Skylar said to the baby. Vlad took off his clothes and wrapped the baby.

Vlad took him for awhile and bit his wrist. He poured the blood into his son's open mouth. He had Skylar's blood but he's still half vampire. He needed Vlad's too. Vlad hugged Skylar and walked towards their home with Skylar in his arm. He was glad everything's over.

"Klaus, Eric, Jared, you know what to do. Clean this place up," Vlad ordered. And by clean, he meant burnt them up. Alive or not. And the fallen members of their families were to buried accordingly. The vampires were to burnt to ashes and the werewolves were to be buried at their burying ground.

Vlad opened the door and a small figure jumped at Skylar. "You're back! You're finally back!!" He screamed in joy. He had tear stain on his face. Skylar hugged him. "Why were you crying? I thought I told you to be brave?" Skylar gave the boy a kiss. "But you were gone! Then I felt your pain! And papa's! I thought you were dying!" Adam wailed. He snuggled his face against Skylar's bloodied chest.

"We're going to have a bath because apparently, I made you dirty," Skylar smiled. Adam smiled happily. Adam put a thumb into his mouth. He does that when he's nervous or happy. He looked at the bundle in Vlad's arm. "Is that him? My new baby brother?" He peaked. Vlad showed him the cub and Adam screamed in joy. "He have ears and tail!!!" Adam screamed. "Like E71 and G8!" Adam said. "Right. So Skylar, we took all of the babies from the factory since they are related to certain creatures around here and we can give them to their respected clans. And we totally need to work on the names. Since we too have additional members," Vlad smiled.

Additional members huh? Now Adam's going to have a lot of friends then. God, there are going to have a lot of babies around! How are they going to handle that? I mean babies!

There ya go fellas. How's that? Satisfying for the tease? Or not? Don't forget to vote and comment :D

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