*Rewritten description* So, this is gonna be my blog-type book thingy-mabobber. The earlier chapters are really cringy but uh.. It gets better(?) So yeah. This'll just be full of random things like rants, fangirling sessions, ideas, ect, ect. Hope y...
"I am tired of being a girl, I am now a tree" -TheFanFictionFreak
I like pie. Do you like pie? Dogs, or cats? I really like pudding. I enjoy reading books. Movies are nice, but the books are always better. When I finished reading the first Percy Jackson and the Olympians book, I watched the movie and it was soooooooooo different. Like-- it sucked compared to the book. All of the scenes are different, the characters and their personalities are different, especially Annabeth and Grover. And then what about the Oracle and the quest!? I'm just gonna stop ranting about that. Who likes Don't Hug Me I'm Scared? I do! And Salad Fingers. It's great. Danisnotonfire is amazinggg.
Kai this is awkward
Bye lol
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