*Rewritten description* So, this is gonna be my blog-type book thingy-mabobber. The earlier chapters are really cringy but uh.. It gets better(?) So yeah. This'll just be full of random things like rants, fangirling sessions, ideas, ect, ect. Hope y...
Yay book!!! Okay, this is really great. Sooo where do I start? The fact Im writing a blog on here seems CAH-RAY-ZAY! Haha, this is gonna be reaaaally cringey and awkward until I get the hang of this. Soooo yeah! I JUST WANNA THANK MY MOM... AND MY DAD... AND MY DOG TRUMAN... Nah jk jk XD I do wanna thank my friend: TheFanFictionFreak (you should totally follow her) for being an amazing friend and amazing inspiration throughout most all of my life, I don't know who I would be without her <3
Anyways, thanks for reading this awkward beginning chapter, love ya'll! <3
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