So, two days ago I got really bored, and when I get really bored and I'm home alone, weird tawagoto happens. And by weird tawagoto, I mean sometimes I actually do productive stuff. So, I learned two new songs on my guitar. I'm pretty bad at both of them, but I mean, considering it was two in one day, I'm pretty impressed with myself. The songs were:
Clocks by Coldplay and The End by My Chemical Romance.
So yeah. They're both really good songs, and really easy too. That's pretty much all I have to say, so yeah! Stay bootylicious.
Melody's Blog
De Todo*Rewritten description* So, this is gonna be my blog-type book thingy-mabobber. The earlier chapters are really cringy but uh.. It gets better(?) So yeah. This'll just be full of random things like rants, fangirling sessions, ideas, ect, ect. Hope y...