Accidentally vegetarian

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Soo.. Today I ate meatless meat. *crying inside*

Let me just start with, I have nothing against vegetarians or vegans! I don't want to become one, because a meaty diet works better for me, and meat is delicious, but that doesn't mean I despise them. 🙄


Yesterday, I went to the store, with my mother, because we wanted to make food, because my dad wasn't feeling super hungry, meaning we could eat what *WE* wanted— which we always can, just, now we can make stuff he doesn't like, because he won't be eating it. And my dad's not a picky eater, he just doesn't like some things that we do. Like sushi... or salmon... or lemon ginger chicken soup...
but that's not the point I'm getting at. This is going to be a really boring, long story by the way. You'll probably end up hungry.
So anyways, while we were there we decided to pick up some stuff we needed.
And so I got some lunch stuff, like, frozen meals. Because I am *definitely* not a chef.
So, I got spaghetti and meatballs, as well as Swedish meatballs, because hello, meat!
Both my mother and I were completely oblivious to the fact that it said 'MEATLESS MEAT' in big letters on the front of both, because we're big idiots.
And I didn't realize this until a bit ago, when I was making food.

Anyways, there's your long, boring story about something that happened in my life. It wasn't that bad, but I like my meat!
So yeah. Bye bye, remember to vote if you enjoyed this and possibly follow me 😏 because we all know I need the viewers, because I'm desperate. xD

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