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- They are the couple that will stay up late showing each other songs they like (Kuroo ruins it by playing We Are Number One)

- They decided to take it slow, and oh boy, did they go slow

- Their typical date is a classic grade A date, dinner and a movie

- The first time Akaashi laughed around Kuroo, like actually laughed, Kuroo realized he was in love 

- They both enjoy showing the other new things: music, a new activity, drink, anything

- Surprisingly, they're both reserved when it comes to PDA. The most they'll do is an arm around the waist, holding hands, or a quick kiss

- Another thing that shocks (but not really) they shit talk other people, in a mostly jokingly way,  when they get home

- When they're washing dishes, they usually end up slow dancing in the kitchen 

{ If you have any particular ships you'd like to see headcanons for please comment!!! } 

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