Reunited at Last

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I leaned against a metal pole, Nat holding onto my shoulder. 

"That...was a close one.." He commented, trying to catch his breath. 

"Mmhmm.." I mumbled.

"Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta..." I cautiously turned my head around and saw something that, in a sense, freaked me out a little bit, for there in the seat was an old man in a toga singing the Greek alphabet, like I had learned in the sixth grade. 

"Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho.." 

"Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega!" I sang. "Wonderful, isn't it?" I smiled at the old man, who nodded his head. I couldn't explain the toga, but I had the uncanny ability to make friends with the weirdest people. 

I felt my head sink down a little, as did the bus, and Nat....wait..

"Nat, what in the world..." I mumbled, watching the world fall. "What's going on?" The bus shifted into silver particles, as my eyes opened slowly to reveal all silver...

'Ding!' Rang into my ears as both Nat and I leapt to our feet and watched the doors of the old elevator open. I stared into Nathaniel's eyes, mouthing "What the what?" as Carol strode in and gave us a big bear hug, which nearly squeezed the life out of me, I swear. 

"Carol...too hard.." I wheezed as she let go. 

"I'm just so happy you're okay!!" She squealed.

"I had the weirdest dream, I was in the hospital, and then Carson almost got to us, then I met a nice man singing in Greek!" I exclaimed, over excited in a sense.

"Same here.." Nat said, rubbing the back of his head. I shrugged. "How did you get us down?"

"I went to the control room with the guards," Carol quipped, motioning behind her. "They showed me what to do, and I knew who you guys were." Nat immediately turned pale.

"Are you okay, Henry? Did you hit your head" Carol winked at Nat, who sighed in relief. He didn't want his folks to know where he was, he told me later. 

"Ha." I remarked dryly. "Who stopped the elevator?"

"I have no idea," Carol winked, meaning 'It was probably  Carson, who else?' "Let's get on with out day." 

"Okay," Nat replied as Carol ushered us out of the mall. "Why and how would Carson do that? Why us....why just us?" I exhaled. 

"We need to get to that mountain..." I think it will be a good place for us to get our bearings, cool down a little. Plus, Ican find a way to contact my boss, tell her I'm A-OK." I followed Carol out. She was about to call a taxi when both Nat and I rushed onto a bus, nervously. Taking a seat, we both laughed. 

"Alpha Beta Gamma Delta..." We both sang, as Carol joined in happily, as did the rest of the bus. 

Sto, you're such the city person. I whooped after 'Omega' and laughed. 

"Maybe it was a sign.." I felt something cold and thin on the back of my neck. Carol stopped laughing immediately, she pressed her lips together. Nat gasped. I felt the object sink into my skin, causing a sharp pain along with it. 

"Stormy Triston, don't you make another move, or I will aim for Nathaniel." Nat started hyperventilating. I begged him to calm down with my facial expression.  The rest of the bus soon took notice, the driver pulled into an empty lot, and locked the door. I closed my eyes, trying to stay calm. 

"Maybe it wasn't.." I heard from Carol before that familiar cloth was slammed onto my nose.

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