Troublesome Tollbooths, Troublesome Toll Operators

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I think Lina has landed a spot as 'Lead Inspiration Source' for this book. Don't expect a salary though. I have a new story coming up for ya'll, written together by me and my friend Letterboy, he is the dedi so you can check it. 

And...Sorry about my French, I translated word-for-word.



"So, where you guys headed to?" Bryce shouted over the music. I guessed that either he hadn't heard me, or was double checking.

"...Cannon Beach, Oregon." I yelled back. I needed to get out before my location, as to get away from Bryce and his gun. 

About an hour had passed since we had climbed into Sandra's car. I had gotten a tad carsick form reading maps, and moved to the back of the car, along with Nathaniel, who just wanted to relax and streetch his legs. Carol and Sandra took out seat, while Bryce took a turn driving. I had found a mirror amongst other things, like a duffel and a racketbag, holding tennis rackets. That one, the Babolat, it's heavy enough to knock Bryce out. I thought cautiously. 

I thought back to the mirror and saw my face. It was oily. I would have guessed that it had been at least three days since I went hiking to see the eagles. 

"You look deep in thought, what's up?" Nat shook my shoulder. I thought something up as quickly as I could. 

"Bryce...menacer me avec la fusil. (Bryce threatened me with a gun)" I whispered in rough word-for-word French. 

"Franchement?(Honestly?)" Nat asked back. I sighed in relief. 

"Ego serait neypas blageur sur que.(I would not joke about that)" I grumbled, then switched back. "It's so sunny out." Indeed the sun's rays shone into the car and illuminated the dust and our faces. I sat back cautiously. My sleeve brushed up against Nat's arm. He looked at me and giggled. Sighing, I leaned in his shoulder. 

"How's it going, lovebirds?" Carol poked her head around the seat. "Tollbooth coming, you got any cash on ye?" I dug around in my coat pocket. Sure enough, two dollars were in my hand.

"Okay, we got two. That makes....twenty-seven forty-nine, hope it's enough." I crawled into the front. 

"I'll give it, need some air." I hopped from the car before Bryce could say anything. I stepped up to a tall teenager with short blond hair and piercing blue eyes. "Hello....Joseph....five in the car. Where are we?" Jospeh spoke with a little slur.

"Some'ere near Medford. " He grumbled and handed me change. "Our register got robbed, can I card?" I dug around in pockets for a while, as Carson had taken my wallet. I found, in its secret compartment, my Visa. 

"Sestiva Triston," Jospeh said clearly, staring up at me. "Happy travels to you. Where you headed?"

"Cannon Beach. I have to go. Bye Jospeh!" I climbed back into the car as it sped off.

Joseph picked up his cell phone.

"Hello? Yes, I'm in Medford, and I've seen Sestiva Triston."

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