The Vault Hunter

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"Alright amigos set the bombs on those wires. The train'll be coming any minute."

Maya and Zer0 headed up the latter to set up the missiles. Everyone else waited at the bottom of the latter by the nearly frozen river.

"Just poke their bellies when you want me to set the 'splosives off. I gotts ta' do it remotely."

Maya walked over to the set up explosives and poked the animals bellies. A beeping sound was heard followed by the whistle and chug of a train.

"Oh SNAP son! I hear the traaain coming!"

"Get ready guys."

The train smoke came into view. "Counting down! Ten, Nine-!" The missiles fired, one hitting the bridge and the other circling around the track before launching into the distance and hitting the train.


"That works. Alright Vault Hunters get up onto the train and search the remaining cars. The Vault Key should be in one of them."

Suddenly a train cart shot out of the gap in the tracks headed right towards the others.


Salvador and Axton managed to move in time but Stevie had to tackle Gaige into the river to avoid the flaming train cars. They both sank until Stevie came to and grabbed Gaige around her waist. Pieces of metal and ice stabbed at her skin but she just kept swimming towards the surface.

Then, a strong squeezing feeling encased them and they levitated upwards at an incredible speed. They broke the surface and she realized they were in Maya's phaselock. She carefully dropped them on the shore.

Stevie began to do mouth to mouth resuscitation on Gaige, who had not woken yet. After a few minutes she coughed up the water in her lungs, taking deep breaths.

"W-what just happened?" She asked, flushing as she realized Stevie was basically kissing her that whole time.

"This chica just saved your life!" Said Salvador enthusiastically.

"Good job soldier!" Said Axton, patting her on the shoulder.

"Ouch! Damnit!" She screamed as she took of her coat. Her arms were covered in bloody cuts and already healed scars.

"Oh my god Stevie! Someone get an insta health!" Yelled Gaige.

Everyone began searching their ECHO inventory but Stevie stopped them.

"No no! It's ok..." She said steadily. "I've gotten ten times worse." Her eyes turn red again and her wounds heal over leaving the scars that painted her body all over. She takes a few deep breaths and slowly stands stretching her arms out, testing for soreness.

"Uh, sorry about that." Apologized Axton.

"It's fine Ax. You didn't know." She said.

"Alright before we go on, is anyone else injured?" Asked Maya.

"Well I got a cut on my lip. Wanna kiss it and make it better?" Axton replied.

That earned him a slap to the back of the head. "You wish! You're not even my type!" She yelled in response.

"Why only got eyes for a certain Firehawk?" Said Axton.

He and the others started making kissy sounds and Zer0 flashed a ';D' to her. Her blush was completely noticeable, despite her attempts to hide it.

"Ohhhh! Someone's in looooove!" Said Gaige.

"Look who's talking! I know you have a boner for a certain someone in this group!" She says back. Gaige blushes a little at the comment and turns away with her arms crossed.

"Can we just get the damn key now!" She demands, already marching up to the train wreckage with the convenient staircase made from a large fallen piece of metal. Zer0 breaks the silence that followed.

"Well this was fun. Now,/Let us finish this mission,/Before secrets spill." Said Zer0 as he followed Gaige. Slowly everyone else followed Gaige and Zer0 up to the wreckage.

"Did I mention how much I love our team?" Commented Stevie as they entered the area their ECHOs called 'End of the Line.'

The Vault Hunter (A Borderlands 2 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now