Chapter 10

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~ Dougie's POV ~

"What you doing today?" I asked automatically. I looked at the empty space next to me expecting to see Ash lying beside me. "Fuck I forgot, why was I such a dick?" I practically shouted punching my bed and then the wall. 

"DUDE! What's up?!" Harry asked tiredly running in my room. 

"I though she was still here, but I got rid of her. I need her back I feel lost without her and it hasn't even been 24 hours since we broke up!" I exclaimed in a few breaths. 

"Get changed, go to Toms and go and get her back!" Harry said. 

"What if she doesn't want me back?" 

"You never know until you try" Harry said walking out the room, "by the way this was on the floor in the spare room" Harry chucked the T-shirt at me. 

"Thanks" I replied weakly, breathing in the scent that had been left by Ash. "I'm getting you back" I murmured as I pulled some clothes on.

I pulled my shoes on and ran down the stairs. 

"Go and get her mate!" Harry shouted. I smiled and slammed the door as I left. 

Toms far had gone, I knocked the door and heard muffled speech coming from upstairs. No one came to the door, so I let myself in. I kicked my shoes off and walked up the stairs to where the talking was coming from. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Dougie?" Ashes voice replied. I walked to where it had come from and saw her in bed with James. I nearly died on the spot, I was so jealous. 

"You fucked the girl I love. You slut, Ash, it was only a few hours and you moved onto the next person" I said through gritted teeth, looking between them both. I noticed James slip his hand into Ashes for reassurance. 

"I love her as well, but I haven't had sex with her" James replied looking between me and Ash and I stepped closer to them. 

"What ever. I came to talk to Ash," I spat l, I snapped my head to Ash "I need you back, will you take a retard that needs to think before he speaks back?" 

Everything seemed to stop for a minute we all stared at each other. 

"...No..." Ash replied sitting up "I can't take you back Dougie, you didn't trust me, you just called me a slut. I can't go back to you yet, I need to think about things, get my life back on track" Ash replied, her sad eyes looking hurt. 

"Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that or said that to you, I'm just so, so, so sorry!" 

"I know you are Dougie, I just don't care at the moment" 

"Why not" 

"I don't know, I just need to think about it" 

The three of us sat in silence, I looked away from Ash and looked at James, then back to Ash. She'd gone as pale as a sheet. She ran out of the room and I hear another door slam shut. 

James and I shared a concerned look and both went to see if she was okay. 

"Ash? You okay in there?" James asked softly knocking on the door. 

"Yeah, throwing up in the toilet has never felt better" she replied sarcastically. 

"Do you need anything" I asked, she didn't reply. Wow I've fucked everything up. 

"Shall I get you some water?" James asked. 

"I'll be fine" she replied. The toilet flushed and I heard the taps run. 

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