summer loving- chapter 8

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Chloe's POV: Its the summer term and theres no school for 2 weeks me and Jaden were so close now but he had to go away somewhere, he didnt tell me where he was going how long for and why. i was getting nervous, i thought he told me everything... obviously not.

I had just turned 16 and it was time for me to get a job says my parents, i went for a job interview at some store, i realised i havent spoken to jaden so i tried ringing him, there was no answer and i didnt see his car outside his house this morning so he must be doing something important for him to not pick up his phone for a day. i huffed. "hey can i um help you" i turned around to this handome boy behind the counter "um hi any chance i can get a job application" he gave me the slip and i filled it out there and then i was actually quite excited for my first day the lad i worked with was called Joey he seemed really nice,

The two of us got on really well, we also had quite alot in common. But at this point all i could think about was Jaden, he hasnt answered his phone in almost 2 days, i was getting really worried so i tried calling Moises... At this point Moises and Darcy are boyfriend and girlfriend and he wernt answering his phone either so i decided to call Darcy and see if she knows anything and why they arnt picking up.

rings Darcy*

Me: Hey Darcy, how are you?

Darcy: Hey Chlo, am good just abit nervous i havent spoke to Moises since the other day, and am really worried because i dont know where he is and i just hope hes ok.

Me: You know what, am the exact same, i havent spoke to Jaden either and i tried ringing Moises before and he never answered either, i think they might be together somewhere, i went to his before and he wernt there and neither was his car, i hope they are ok.

Darcy: Ye same, i wonder what they are doing for them to not tell us and not speak to us for two days, must be really important.

Me: Ye i know, they will be okay... hopefully... 'sighs'

Darcy: so do i 'sighs' . Hey to get this off are minds how about you come to mine tonight and stay and we have a girly night and order scran and lots of sweets and watch a movie?

Me: Sounds great, il be over about 6:30pm ye?

Darcy: Ok text me when you have left. Bye.

Me: i will do, bye.

It is now 4:40pm and i am about to finish work.

"right Joey, i guess thats me done for the day then" i happily said as i had finally finished work, "Yes you are, and so am i" joey also happily answered. "i guess i will see you in a few days then..bye" i slowly said leaving the shop. As i start to walk home an all black audi pulls up beside me with tinted windows, i tried to look in but seen nothing personally i was hopeing for it to be Jaden but in a different car. The driver put the windows down and it wernt Jaden it was Joey... "Hey Chloe.. want a lift" he kindly asked, atleast he wernt pissed of his head while he was picking me up unlike Jaden and fingers crossed he actually does take me home... unlike jaden... "hi joey, i wernt to sure who it was at first, and are you sure you dont mind" i said feeling really cheeky "Ye its fine get in" "your car smells really fruity" i said to him, "haha ye i know its a new air freshiner, where about do you live?" I told him where i lived and about 5mins later we pulled up at my house. "thanks for that joey, il see you next week" i said. "Your welcome, hey chloe, whats ye number" he asked. I gave him my number and felt really awkward about it, well at the end of the day atleast he actually took me home.

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