Kuroo Tetsurou

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soulmate au where you start
liking things that your soulmate

"(Y/N), why are you happy about chemistry?" Your friend asks you with a disgusted look on her/his face. "Isn't it awesome?" You question with a bright smile on your face, showing genuine excitement.

"Yeah, I think your soulmate's a nerd." Your friend adds while rolling her eyes. "Or I just started liking chemistry on my own!" You defend yourself while pouting. "Yeah, no, I don't think so." She/He says, scanning you from the top to bottom and then shaking her/his head.

"You're such an asshole." You mumble as you both walk into your classroom. "Even if it's because of my soulmate, I won't stop liking music class because of chemistry class." You explain to your friend.

That's right. You love music. Your dream is to become an idol and sing in front of millions of people.

You even play several instruments and are part of the music club in your school.

Your school is located in Tokyo, being the school with the best music club and music class in whole Japan.

You wonder if your soulmate already likes music too, you would really like that idea.

Recently, you come to like a lot of things that used to be out of character for you. You've started to like volleyball even though you aren't the most sportsy person, chemistry even though you could fall asleep in that class, making cheesy jokes, well, you have nothing against those, you just didn't make them before but now you can admit that they're hilarious.

The concept of soulmates is very funny and interesting to you. It's amusing to see what ridiculous things you can start liking. Your friend, for example, became the hugest otaku ever even though she used to despise them before. Makes you think that karma somehow does exist.

Unfortunately, it is very hard to find your soulmate with the little information you have. That really could be anyone. Despite you being a hopeless romantic, you put up with the idea of never meating your soulmate even if you really want to.


On your way home, you and your friend find a strayed cat in a box. You immediately kneel down to the cat and look wether she is injured or not. Thankfully, it isn't but nonetheless she is very thin and looks like she could use a meal.

"(Y/N), we need to go, it's about to rain." Your friend states, looking up into the sky. "Take my umbrella, make sure the cat is under it too and now wait for me until I get back from the convenient store." You tell her/him while throwing your umbrella at your friend.

"But!" You hear your friend yell but you ignore it.


After buying some cat food and milk for the cat, you immediately run back to the place before to see no one. You click your tongue in annoyance as you check your phone for any messages from your friend.

"I have practice, remember? I'm sorry." You read aloud and then roll your eyes. At least your friend left the umbrella.

"Can't help it, huh." You sigh as you kneel down to the cat again. You give it food and milk. It looks at you, meows and starts eating, making you smile as you watch it.

Haikyuu x Reader - Soulmate AU One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now