Kozume Kenma

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soulmate au where you have a
timer tattoed on your wrist, counting
down the time to when you meet
your soulmate

"(Y/N), dear, you're meeting your soulmate tomorrow, isn't that great?" Your mother asks you as your family is having dinner. "I still remember 17 years, 4 months, 5 days, 15 hours, 3 minutes and 46 seconds written on your wrist when you were born. Feels like yesterday." Your father says with a nostalgic sigh.

You are slightly nervous to meet your soulmate. Luckily, the music from the radio in the backround calms you a bit.

Looking down on your wrist you read 19 hours, 38 minutes and 46 seconds. Out of your entire class, you're the only one without the year- or month-counter on your wrist. Heck, you don't even have the day-counter.  Only the hour-, minute- and second-counter are left.

You question wether you're even ready to meet your soulmate or not. Maybe you only will pass them without knowing you've met them. Of course you don't hope that.

Suddenly the music in the backround stops as news start being announced. "Tomorrow a video game convention is held in Tokyo. Many video game fans are excited about the yearly comvention. -" The news' man says, making you sigh frustratedly.

You really wanted to go but decided not to because it's also the day where you meet your soulmate.

There's a myth saying that if you plan on doing something on the day you meet your soulmate you will going to meet them there. Because your mom said it wouldn't me 'romantic' meeting your soulmate at a video game convention, you decided not to go even if it hurts. So according to the myth, you should meet your soulmate in the library since that's what you planned on doing tomorrow, a year ago. Lame.

"-this year there's a special event. Few fans are able to win a meet-and-greet with the voice actors of this year's hit 'Maho Fight'. The fans simply need to pick out a piece of paper with a number on it at the stand of 'Maho Fight' and see if their number is the chosen one! Have fun!" The news' man announces and the music turns back on.

You start fangirling, startling your family. "MOM!! I need to go!" You shout as you slam your hands on the table and stand up while doing so. "(Y/N), you won't meet your soulmate. You planned on going to the library a year ago!!" Your mother scolds you angrily.

"But mom, you don't understand. I could get to meet the voice acotrs of my favourite game ever. Maybe one of them is my soulmate?!" You explain, talking way to quickly due to your fangirl-mode.

"Young lady! You won't go to that convention. This is for your own good! Your mother and I met at the place where your mother planned on going years before the actual meet." Your father says sternly. "Now go to your room." He adds, making you pout angrily and stomp away to your room.

You mock your parents' voices as you enter your room and lock it. Angrily, you jump onto your bed. "That myth is true." You mock your mom's voice. "Like hell it is." You add in a high frustrated voice.

"Maho Fight." You sigh out as you look at the posters next to your bed. "I could meet my precious Tsukasa in real life." You mumble as you trace your finger over the poster with your favourite character 'Tsukasa' on it.

"Hmph!" You exclaim with a sly smirk.


You grab your backpack and sling it over your shoulder. "Power bank, water, food, money, lots and lots of money, my phone, a sweater, yup, that should be it." You list the things in your backpack to see if you forgot something.

Swiftly yet quietly, you open up your window and climb out of it carefully. This is the first time you sneak out of the house and probably the last time. You're an introverted person who rather plays video games at home than goes to parties, so why should there be need for you to sneak out?

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