Sawamura Daichi

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soulmate au where there is a red string
attached to one's ring finger. it leads to
one's soulmate. only few people are
able to see the strings.

As the sun soars above the sky, shining its warm rays onto the earth, you protect yourself from them by sitting under a gigantic tree on the school's courtyard. The cold shadow almost sends shivers down your spine.

You lean your back against the trunk of the tree once you sit down on the ground. "I can't wait for our graduation!" Your friend whines as she sits down next to you. "Then I'll be finally free from this hell called school and finally able to search for my soulmate!" She adds, looking at you with twinkling eyes.

You smile back and look at her left ring finger. The red string attached to it looks vivid in colour and is thicker than most you've seen. "It's all thanks to you, (Y/N)! I'm so glad you told me that you can see the strin-" She begins to blurt out rather loudly, so you slam your hand onto her mouth to shut her up. "It's called a secret for a reason!" You whisper-yell at her, not forgetting to send her a firm glare.

"Sorry, sorry, but I'm so happy about it! I don't have to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars to have a professional help me." She apologises while waving her hands enthusiastically as she talks. "You're sure you don't want anything in return?" Her curious eyes look at you anticipatedly, so you shake your head. "It's the least I can do after you gave me your math notes. They really saved my final grade."

"You're the best! Oh, I can't wait to meet my soulmate! Do you think they'll like anime too? I'll be really disappointed if they don't! But they're my soulmate, they HAVE to like anime, don't they?" As she continues her monologue, your smile fades into a sad, if not even lonely, one, as you stare at your own ring finger. There you see your red string but as you continue to follow it, it ends a few centimetres hanging from your finger.

Ever since you can remember, you were able to see the red strings hanging from people's ring fingers. No string is the same as another one. There are thick ones, barely visible ones, slightly frayed ones, knotted ones, and, unfortunately, snapped ones. All of them mean something different. The snapped one, as the one on your own ring finger, means that your soulmate is no longer alive. You are unable to find them. Unable to experience the happiness that soulmates that you see on a daily baisis have.

The day your string snapped is one of the clearest memories you have. It was five years ago. You were hanging out with your middle school friends. It was just like any normal day, you were fooling around, doing things girls your age do, not caring about anything, as suddenly you felt a pain in your ring finger. You looked at it, the barely visible red string, which meant that your soulmate was very far away from you, suddenly had snapped.

It wasn't the immense pain that made you cry but the thought of never being able to experience love. You excused yourself from your friends, saying that something urgent came up, and ran to your favourite place in the world. It was a beautiful cherry blossom tree in the middle of the forest near your home. You planned on crying your heart's content out but before you started, you noticed a boy sitting under that tree.

You looked at him confused, which he did too, and even though you didn't want him to see you crying, you began anyways, shocking him rather extremely. He stood up and asked you if you were okay but you proceeded to sob. The sobs were getting louder as time passed by, which made the boy panic even more. He looked around and then back at you. He seemed to hesitate at first but then he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly.

Even though you came there to be alone, you really appreciated his kind gesture. It calmed you down, so you could at least talk again. The boy tried talking to you again and asked what happened. Not caring about blurting out your secret, you started explaining from the very begging. How you could see the strings attached to everyone's ring finger, how yours was thin to begin with, and how you really wanted to find the love of your life but now couldn't anymore.

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