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⌠ 1 ⌡

It can't just be me,

in my head.

She smiles at me,

asks me how my day was.

I say fine.

She smiles all the time.

It's a kind smile.


Maybe too much.

Is that a sign?

Smiling too much.

Should I tell her?

I should tell her.

Before Takeshi... makes a move.

But it's my fault.

I went along with his plan.

When he had asked me.

I was lonely.



I had wanted something. Someone.

Anything. Anyone.

He had hurtful intentions.

I knew that from the start.

But I ignored that,

and tried to fill the gap in my heart,

with meaningless lies and full lips.

⌠ 2 ⌡ 

It hasn't rained in three weeks.

She sits across from me,

pages turning,

fingers tracing.

It's already habit,

us two reading together

in the library.

"Hey," I hear myself say.

"Mhm?" she mumbles without looking up.

"Want to grab some food after?"

"Your treat?"


"How could I refuse then?"

She giggles,



like cotton candy.

⌠ 3 ⌡ 

We sit across from each other in a 

booth by the window.

We had a few tuna sandwiches,

soup, chips.

Now we are drinking mocha frappes.

I've been staring at her for a while.

There's foam lingering on her lips.

She doesn't seem to notice.

She's been chattering the whole time,




"Keichi? You haven't been listening, have you?"

"Of course I have!"

"So what did Eri tell me about Takeshi?"


She pouts. "You weren't listening. Liar."

"I was thinking."

"Everyone is."

"More, I guess."

"That won't work as an excuse

with anyone else you know."

"I know. Sorry."

She looks out the window of the cafe.

I need to tell her.

Before Sugawa gets hurt.


Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Where stories live. Discover now