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⌠ 1 ⌡ 

Her words linger in the spring air.

She still has that smile

plastered on her face.

The feeling of closeness

that emanated between us,


I feel out of place,


"She'll tell you if she trusts you."

She doesn't trust me.
Not yet, at least.
I'm her wingman.

But to me, she is someone who has given

me many things.

A place to be, 

kindness in her own way,

and a second chance with Yura.

What have I done for her?


Pretend like it never happened.


"It's okay! You should look at yourself in a mirror right now!"

Ai laughs, throwing her head back, hair flowing.

"Such a serious face- lighten up Keichi. You'll die young."

In the distance-

the track team's shouting.

"Maybe I'll visit the library tomorrow."

Ai winks at me. "You won't regret it."

⌠ 2 ⌡  

It's funny how time resets everything.

Opening the library doors,

my heart won't stop beating.

Shaking, almost, I take a few deep breaths.

Don't hope. She won't be there.

This isn't a romantic comedy.

Small steps, shuffling feet.

The familiar smell of books,

pages, carpet, the wooden tables.

I look up.

Seeing her there almost seems unnatural.

Like a mirage.

But she moves, she leans her chin on her right hand,

she flips a page-

exactly the way I remember.

Light filters through the curtains,

like it is illuminating her.


⌠ 3 ⌡

She looks up.

Smiles. Waves,

fingers waggling.

I sit down across from her,

wondering if I'm seeing things.

No words are spoken,

yet the silence is enough communication.

Her eyes stare straight into mine,

I've missed you.

I've missed this.

Wingman ⌠Cell Phone Novel⌡Where stories live. Discover now