The letter

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The ball lasted most of the night, and by the time Alice was able to retire to her bedroom, it was already past midnight. She was sitting in front of her mirror, in her nightgown, trying to untangle the mess that her hair had become.

'Did you have fun, my love?'

Alice jumped up slightly, startled by her father's voice coming from the door way.

'I'm sorry, dear, I did not mean to frighten you.' He said as he walked towards her and gently knelt down by her side. 'Did you enjoy yourself, Alice? I know you were rather nervous about this ball.'

Alice smiled. 'I did, father. I'm just rather tired.'

John smiled and looked down slightly, before looking up and carefully caressing her cheek. 'Well then, sleep well my dear. Get your well-deserved rest.' He stood up again and kissed Alice's forehead. 'I'll see you in the morning my love.' He started ted walking towards the door.

'Good night, Father.' Alice called after him, and caught a glimpse of his smile right before the door closed behind him.

After that faithful day I spent even more hours of my day thinking of my lovely friend; William. The way the sunlight sparkled in his eyes or how his smile made my heart flutter. Each weak on Saturday afternoon, William would go riding all by himself. At that same time, Anthony and I rode out on our horses to the forests just behind our land. We knew William's father did not approve of our relationship, and though out father did not mind, he was not very fond of the idea of me going to the forests all by myself. And so Anthony, my dear Anthony, volunteered to escort me to the forest each week, so that I could spent time with the man I loved. Sure, it wasn't a usual courting process, but then, I wasn't entirely sure if it could even be called that. It was obvious to the two of us, that we loved one another, but no one outside my family was aware of that fact. His family would not allow it, and although my inheritance of 2000 pounds a year would surely be enough for us to live quite comfortably. But it would also mean that William would be disowned, stripped of his title, and a scandal in the London society. And though neither one of us has ever valued titles as much, my title was the only thing that made people accept me. And without it, we wouldn't be able to live anywhere.

'Lady Alice.'

Alice looked up from her diary and laid her eyes on Albert. Her father's head butler, was by now nearly 80 years old, but refused to quit his job, no matter how much her father told him he deserved it, and granted him a lavish retirement fund. She smiled sweetly at him. The man had become like a grandfather to her, and she felt woefully embarrassed that the old man had walked half a mile through the garden to find her sitting against her favorite tree. Surely it could have waited until she had come back inside, or one of the younger servants could have come out if the message was urgent. But no, dear old Albert should not have had to walk that long distance.

'Albert.' She smiled as she got up. 'Is everything alright?'

'Oh yes, yes, ma'am. Just a message from Mr. Delaney.' He extended his arm, handing her a small, sealed envelope.

In all honesty her heart fluttered at the thought of receiving a message from William but was now even more upset that Albert had walked all that way just for a letter.

'Thank you, Albert.' She said as she opened the letter.

"My dear Alice,

I have some urgent news to discuss with you and wish to meet you by the Mayville Bridge.

Please come alone, as the news should not be heard by others.

All my love,


'Albert, would you please give word to the stable boys to ready my horse?'

Albert bowed his head. 'As you wish, Ma'am.' And he turned to walk away.

Alice had a slight uneasy feeling in herstomach, William had never asked her to come alone, as it was inappropriate.But she trusted him, and would do as he asked, as for sure, he would not haveasked for it if it was not absolutely necessary.

Lady of Greystoke (Sequel to "At all costs")Where stories live. Discover now