The attack

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As soon as her father uttered the words, the whole world went into slow motion for Alice. She knew that the moment her father started running, Coldon would try to shoot her. And if he would, the old instincts in her father would take over again. She knew he was capable of murdering the man, knew he might even try. Because once Tarzan was out, Lord Greystoke was hard to find under the protective instinct and hard learned lessons of the jungle. Her father started running, and was faster than any man Coldon has ever seen.

Alice used the man's slight moment of distraction to knock the gun out his hands with her elbow, and she ran back to the kitchen. She knew the best she could was to stay out of this fight. She was a liability. Because if she was there, all John would care about was protecting her, even if it would cost him his own life, and she couldn't do that to her brothers, her sister or her mother, to make them lose him. She quickly ran towards the servant stairs hidden behind the door in the corner. Before she reached at least 6 of the servants had run down from the attic, wondering what the noise was all about.

'What is going on?' Samuel asked. Just like Alice, Samuel had a toned skin, but he had grown up doing hard labor, and it showed in his build. He was holding a broom, probably the only weapon he could find. 'Is Coldon in danger?' He asked, seeing the fear in Alice's eyes.

'Only if he struggles.' She answered, standing up straight, and calming her breathing.

'What do you mean by that?' An older woman, in her fifties asked her.

'My prayers have been answered. My father has come to rescue me...'

Samuel stepped forward and slightly pushed her up against the wall. 'Do not play with me, child. What is going on?'

'I have told you.' Alice answered, fire in her eyes. 'I was taken from my family's home against my will. Forced to work here, after being taken from my family by a trick. But they did not know who my father was. And now the people who brought me here, but mostly Mr. Coldon, will regret that.'

Samuel had had enough of Alice's cryptic answers and pushed past her, towards the kitchen doors, followed by the other servants.

'If you go there, you will be putting yourself in danger!' Alice yelled, but they did not bother to look, they just stepped out into the hallway.

After dropping his gun, Coldon had quickly bent down to pick it up. But when he turned back to aim it at the man in front of him, he was knocked down by the sheer force of Tarzan's body. He struggled and punched Tarzan in the face, expecting it slow the man down. But not many things were able to do that, and Tarzan stayed right where he was. He untangled the gun from Coldon's hand and threw it far away from them.

During his throw, Coldon kneed Tarzan in the stomach, and Tarzan lost his balance for a split second, allowing Coldon to get away from underneath him. He started running towards the gun, but was tackled before he managed to run 3 meters. Coldon Pushed Tarzan in the face, breaking his nose, and bruising his cheek. Tarzan's face was quickly covered in blood from a cut created just above his eye, from the boot's hard heel. But he just looked up and stared at Coldon, whose terror started to set in. Because if a kick in the face wouldn't stop this man... what could? He tried to crawl away and get back on his feet again, but to no avail. Tarzan pulled him back down easily and sat down on the man's back to keep him in place. Coldon started waving his arms around angrily, hoping to knock Tarzan of Balance again. But Tarzan just caught the man's arms, and held them together, on the floor above Coldon's head, with one hand. With his other hand, he pushed Coldon's cheek against the cold marble floor.

'You hurt my daughter!' He roared. 'And you will pay for that. I will make you pay!'

'You can try, but this is still my house.' Coldon said with a grin on his face.

Tarzan scoffed. 'I may be nicknamed lord of the apes, and I fight better in a jungle, but that does not make you a match for me, just because we are in your house. I can run for hours without needing rest, go days without food and water, and go on fighting even when my bones are broken. No matter how much you try, you will not be able to outfight me.'

Coldon's gaze passed around the hallway's walls and a weak grin appeared on his face.

'It doesn't matter, this is my house, someone will probably do it for me.'

Tarzan growled, pulled back Coldon's head and smashed it onto the hard marble ground of the hallway, knocking out the man.

And then there was a single gunshot, and Tarzan fell backwards.

a/n Hey everyone, I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this, I have had a lot of University deadlines to make and didn't have much time for writing, but now that I have, I have given you a horrible cliffhanger (please don't hate me). But let me know what you think. Thank you for reading, and I love you all.

Lady of Greystoke (Sequel to "At all costs")Where stories live. Discover now