By the bridge

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As she started the journey towards the Mayville bridge, it slowly started drizzling. It didn't bother her much, she was used to it by now, growing up in London. Sometimes she felt it bothered her Older brother more than anyone else. But the problem was that the streets became covered with low puddles of dirty, muddy water. And the hem of her dress was getting wet and dirty as the water was splashed up into the air by carriages passing by her. By the time she reached the bridge, her light purple dress was far from clean. As the letter sent to her stated no time for the meeting, it was no surprise to her that William had not arrived yet. And so she waited, covering herself as best as she could with her coat, shielding herself from the cold rain.

'Alice?!' John walked through the house, looking for Alice. Calling out her name as he roamed the halls. 'Alice, where are you?'

'Father?' Anthony spoke as he walked out of his bedroom, into the hallway.

'Oh, Anthony. Have you seen Alice? I cannot seem to find her anywhere.' He smiled slightly. 'I wanted to ask her to join me on a trip into town, maybe take her to the book store...'

Anthony walked towards his father. 'The last I have seen her, she was outside in the garden. Reading beneath her favorite tree.'

'Right. Then I will go search outside. Thank you Anthony.' John quickly made his way down the stairs, his footsteps landing heavier on the steps than usual. A clear sight, to the trained ear, of his worrying state. He hurried through the hall and out into the garden. 'Alice!' He called again, but he received no answer. He walked towards her favorite tree, but found her to not be there. He sighed and walked back inside. 'Albert.' He spoke as he saw the man pass, just as he reentered the house.

Albert turned around. 'Yes, sir?'

'Have you seen Alice recently, Albert? I can't find her.'

'Oh yes, sir.' Albert smiled. 'Miss Alice received a letter from Mr. Delaney. After reading it she requested for her horse to be prepared by the stable boys.'

John looked shocked and quite confused. 'She went alone? She always takes Anthony along.'

Albert shrugged slightly. 'She went alone sir, although I do not know why... I'm sorry, sir.'

'Do you know where she went?'

'No sir, she did not mention it, and I have not read her letter, that would be rude.'

John sighed with a slight chuckle, impressed and heart warmed by the dear man's manners and loyalty.

'Do you have the letter, Albert?'

Albert nodded and handed it to his master. 'She left it on the table as she left.'

John took the letter and read it, he then quickly folded it with a distraught look on his face. 'Please let the stable boy know to ready my horse as well as Anthony's, quickly. I need to go after her.' He then ran upstairs. 'Anthony!'

His son emerged from his room again. 'Yes, father?'

'Get ready, we're riding to the Mayville bridge. Alice is in trouble!'

Alice was still standing beneath the bridge hiding herself from the rain. She heard footsteps behind her and turned around and looked into the eyes of a middle aged man.

'Oh, hello, sir. Can I help you?'

The man laughed slightly. 'How could it happen that a girl like you would be allowed to wear such clothes. That people accept to call you Lady and Miss when you do not deserve it.'

Alice backed away slightly, scared of the man's words.

'But yes, you can actually help me... By keeping quiet.'

Soon Alice found a hand covering her mouth, andwas grabbed by multiple pairs of hands. Her wrists and ankles were tiedtogether, and she felt someone hit her on the head. She was loaded onto a cartand as it drove off, away from the city, she did not know her father andbrother knew something was awry.

So sorry it has taken me so long to write and upload this. University is keeping me so busy, but I haven't given up on the story yet.

Lady of Greystoke (Sequel to "At all costs")Where stories live. Discover now