Coldon home

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It was early morning, before the sun came up when John reached the village nearby Mr. Coldon's home. He rode into an abandoned farm, and took some time to rest. There was some water and grass for his horse, and he lied himself down on a pile of straw. He ate some of the food he had taken with him, and lay down to get some sleep. He had been in worse situations, with no roof over his head, and less food, and he had survived through that. He closed his eyes and started to plan his approach. In a few hours he would knock on the man's door, and pretend to be a lost lord, in need of some rest and food. He would be able to observe the house, the people in there. He would know if his baby girl was in there, he would know how to get to her, and how to get her out of there later.

Alice heard a knock on her door as she was getting dressed in the morning.

'Who's there?' she asked, slightly nervous.

The door opened and Bella shuffled into the small attic room. She closed the door behind her, careful to make sure no one was listening in.

'Alice, did you notice Mr. Coldon came up here last night?'

Alice nodded.

'I saw him leaning against your door, like he was trying to look at you through the creeks...'

Alice started shaking, and Bella wrapped her arms around Alice.

'Oh, Bella. I am so scared. He has been staring at me, watching me when he thinks I am not looking. Not long ago he put his hands on my waist and almost kissed my neck.'

'Oh dear...' Bella sighed. 'You know why Mr. Coldon is here, and not in London with his father who is a Lord, don't you?' She looked at Alice, and her face looked concerned when Alice face showed that she did not know...

'I don't, Bella...' Alice started shaking again.

'He abuse one of his servants. She was only 17, covered in bruises, and she had to marry the first man who wanted her to cover up the truth...'

Alice gasped, and her shaking turned into sobs. 'I need to get out of here, Bella. Or I might as well end my own life, because if he does that to me, my life will be over.'

'Sir, there is a man at the door...'

'And why is that any of my concern?' Mr. Coldon was an impatient man, and it was a surprise to no one that he often cut of his servants before they could finish their sentences.

'You see, sir, he claims to be a Lord from London.'

'All the way up here?'

'Yes, he went out riding to get out of the city, see some nature, but has gotten lost. He is asking whether he would be able to rest here for a while...'

Mr. Coldon sighed. He never much liked visitors, but befriending a Lord from London could be a way for him to get out of this hell he has been living, and back into the life he once knew. 'Very well.' He said as he got up and followed his butler down to the front door. In the hall a man stood, waiting for him. Once Coldon got closer he saw that the man was easily 6'4 foot tall. He had broad shoulders, and a somewhat unreadable face, but his eyes seemed kind enough.

'Welcome to my home, sir.' Coldon extended his hand. 'My name is Richard Coldon.'

The man shook his hand and smiled. 'Thank you. My name is John Clayton the third, and I am the earl of Greystoke.'

Lady of Greystoke (Sequel to "At all costs")Where stories live. Discover now