Event 5

273 22 34

"Oh, Gerard?" James sang, Bob close behind, entering the shop.

Oh God.

They know.

"So Frank told us what happened on your little date..." Bob sat on the counter, James leaning next to him.

I picked the magazine I had been reading back up, "Are you two always together? It's like you're joined at the hip."

"Oh, piss off." Bob waved my comment away, "Give us the goods."

"Frank's refusing to talk about it, right? You just want me to spill, don't you?" I glanced up from my article about NASA.

They looked at each other and I laughed, setting my magazine down. Bob muttered something that I couldn't hear, and I'm glad I didn't. It was probably derogatory. James looked down, looking for more words to say. His face lit up.

"Frank's in the car, by the way. He won't budge. Something about being embarrassed?"

I looked out the window, and sure enough, there he was in the front seat, messing with his shirt collar. He looked up and I waved at him. He looked straight back down. My face fell. I turned back to James and Bob. Bob was hiding a smile and James shrugged, "He said he wanted to come, but I thought he meant inside."

"Hold on in here. I'm gonna go get him." I put the magazine away and threw on my rain jacket.

He looked up when the door opened, expecting James and Bob, but went red when he realized it was me. I saw him lock the door. I sighed and tapped on the glass, leaning. He reluctantly rolled the window down. I leaned my forearms on the window ledge and smiled. He just looked embarrassed.

"Why are you out here all by your lonesome, Frank? Don't you wanna come inside?" I asked.

His body was turned towards me, but he wouldn't look me in the eye. He opened his mouth but closed it quickly. I sighed, "Frank, come on. Talk to me."

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"Not saying anything after you..." He trailed off, unable to say what he wanted.

"Oh, Frank! I could barely say anything! What even can you say in a situation like that that makes any sense? If that's what bothering you, you can always say something now. If you have something to say, that is."

He unlocked the door and I stepped back. He got out, still looking down, "Can I have a hug?"

Before I could answer, which was yes, he put his head to my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I held him close. I felt eyes on us and I glanced at James and Bob back in the shop who were making overtly sexual gestures. I rolled my eyes at them. Frank held his place for a while and then slowly pulled away.

"Let's go inside, okay?" I smiled, touching his arm.

I slid my arm down and touched his hand gingerly. He looked at me, grabbing my hand, sighing heavily. We walked in the store and I was greeted by the record player blaring Iron Maiden. Dammit, James.

"Turn that down will you!? I can't hear myself think!" I yelled at James who did as told.

"Frank, are you okay?" James approached us.

Frank still had his hand in mine, but hugged my arm with the other, putting his forehead on my shoulder. This behavior made him appear much smaller than he really was. He nodded, yawned, and then smiled.

"Tired," he yawned again.

Tired baby, I thought.

If that wasn't the cutest thing I had ever thought about him so far, then I didn't know what was. He was too cute to be quite honest.

After a bit of messing around and finally getting Frank in a good mood again, we had a very calming situation. I had convinced them to play some classical music because if they played another heavy metal track, the police would be called. I was behind the counter and Frank sitting on the surface of it. I would do cute things here and there that would make him blush. James was reading a magazine on the small couch near my dad's office and Bob was asleep on his shoulder. How sweet.

I put something away in the back and came back out to Frank striking a pose for me. I hid my laughter so I didn't wake Bob. His smile was extremely big and bright. I cupped his cheek and then tapped him on the nose, making a noise that sounded like 'boop!'. He scrunched up his nose, still smiling. I had been wanting to kiss him all evening. It was getting harder and harder to control it, too.

The rain was pouring outside, so the guys decided to stay until it got better. I was humming along to the song, head resting on my hands, which were propped up by my elbows. They were between Frank's legs. I looked up at him, smiling, deeply in like. He brushed some hair from my face, grinning.

"Oh, Frank," I sighed happily.

He yawned, "What?"

"Aww, you're a tired little baby..." I put my hand on top of his.

He blushed, holding my hand, "Oh, shut it. I could beat you up if I wanted."

"But you won't." I smiled.

"And how do you know that?" He leaned in closer.

"I just know."

"Just make out already!" Bob groaned, obviously awake now.

"I mean..." I smirked and Frank went red.

I really would've right then, but I knew better. He smiled, leaning in, kissing the tip of my nose. My stomach flipped. He started to slide off the counter while kissing me, so I kinda held onto his waist in a strange way. I could hear Bob make another comment about us getting a room and I laughed, my face unbelievably close to Frank's. He smiled, unsure of what to do, as well.

"Hey! The rains clearing up! Sweet." I heard James say, looking out the window.

Frank looked down then looked back up at me, "Bye, I guess."

I helped him off the counter, "We should definitely plan another date."

"Um, actually, about that, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over on Friday? I could drive you like I did last time. It's nothing special. We could get slushies at the nearby 7/11." He shrugged.

"I'd love to."

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