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I spent my weekend days in nothing but a thoughtless haze. I should've spent that time thinking about my mother's sudden and unexpected visit. Informing me about Trevor's wedding, and dad's heart problem. Yet, my thoughts about Devin keeps interrupting, invading my mind in matter of seconds when I let my my mind stray for but a moment. Though I will admit, despite him being an annoying and unwelcome distraction. They were better and preferred thoughts than the recurring reminder of those sorrowful and anguish moments caused by Roan, my betrayer of an ex and with the conflict with my family. 

Since the time when Roan and I broke up. When I had fully accepted the fact that we were truly over and finished, that our relationship was no more than nothing but a fleeting dream. That aftermath and emotional healing process took me five years to finally realize. I clearly remembered those agonizing days filled with hurt and pain. It took almost a year and more for that pain to subside and become nothing but a dull throb. Then came the moment  when I finally gathered myself together and learn to carry on with the my will of life and continue to live on with my own power. 

Even though Roan had betrayed me. I know within my heart that I couldn't truly hate him, not completely. I loved the man, once, with all my soul and body and he had inspire me to head towards my goals and reach that pinnacle of success that I have achieved to this day. I thought it would be impossible to achieve my dream. However, my achievements may have come through fruition by my own hard work and determination, but it came at a price of me never being whole with my family, again.

Hard as it has been, being an outcast and cast away from my close family. I try my near best to live day by day. To Live it the way that I wish to the absolute fullest, without someone telling me what I can and can not do. This is the only resolve that got me continuing on. But it is said life wasn't easy, and those were certainly true words.

As he had promised, when the Monday crept in, Devin arrived to my place close to the exact time at 6:30 am, to drive me to the bakery. I didn't protest this time, though I did angrily mumble and scold myself for allowing it. It still puzzles me as to how he got me to agree to this arrangement. It didn't take him much force or persistence on his part, but a simple gentle touch (the kiss) that sealed the deal. I don't know why or even how that small gesture got to me.

        "Good morning," I grumbled getting into the passenger seat of Devin's lovely and heated car. 

        "Someone definitely doesn't sound like a morning person," he teased. 

The attorney received one of my many glares, as I drank and drained my coffee. The said man just ignored my mood and hummed happily to the radio tunes being played, which annoyed me, a bit. But unfortunately I was in his car and he is the one driving, and giving me a free ride. So I bit my morning grumpiness and smashed it down into one of my many inner abysses and void.

        "So what are you going to do in your free hour, before heading to your office," I decided that making small talk would help with my terrible (lack of sleep) mood. Plus, I was just curious. He did say that he will have a free hour before he could open the doors to the firm's office.

Devin didn't answer me right away, but there seem to be a gleam in his eyes. "I will hang out in your bakery." he dropped that unexpected bombshell on me.

I nearly choked on my coffee. "What?!" He couldn't be serious!

        "Well where else can I go? Nowhere is opened this early that I can just hung out before work." He shrugged, but there was a most definite sign of a smirk. Damn him!

Devin was right and his reason had an unmistakable logic. But all that streamed through my head were of the thoughts of what Melanie would be chirping to me for the whole week and a half. I still couldn't believe I accepted his wish all because of that small soft kiss that has been plaguing my dreams. And memory of those soft moist lips upon mine. 

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