Missing Packages

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Ethan's POV

Devin is radiating happiness, beaming it to me as we sat across each other! waiting on Lily's mom to cook up us a breakfast storm.

I wasn't really thinking about the consequences of of my actions from last night, and of this morning. All that I was focusing on was Devin, and Devin alone. Thinking what I could do to make him happy and to let him know that I love him.

With those thoughts in mind, I had no restrictions or logical control over myself. All of that flew out the window, and I think I went all out. My body did what it wanted, what it felt it needed to do. To say I lost myself in the passion, is an understatement.

What happened last night is a blur, my mind was too far gone after the move of, sex on the couch to the bed. Everything happened fast, and I was unaware how long we were at it until I think I passed out sometime later.

I thought we did enough last night, until I woke up to the feeling of Devin's morning wood, standing tall and proud, early in the morning. Feeling its heat on my skin just ignited the memories of the previous night and my body went into overdrive.

I guess I was a little frustrated, after I signaled to him, clearly, that I wanted it, but he hesitated concerning about the state of my body from all of last night's rump. Wanting it badly, I told him my long held desires. The desires Roan, had long time not satisfied.

It made sense now, the reason why Roan could never properly satisfy me, because he was too busy being satisfied with other partners to truly care about my needs.

I kept my wants hidden. Blaming myself on my inexperience and the reason why Roan and I couldn't have a truly filfulling sex life. After we broke up, those wants and desires died along with it. I found no need for them, my store took up the majority of my focus and concentration, than for me to be thinking about satisfying my sexual needs and getting laid.

With Devin, they came back with a vengeance, the unsatisfied desires of mine. But this time, they can be answered.

Now, that it can be fulfilled by someone I love and who loves me. This morning was proof enough. I still feel like something is still inside, and everytime I sat, a pinch of pain reminded me of that aftermath.

It's evident by the goofy smile Devin has, just how successful at 'making Devin happy' plan went. Though, I'm glad I got to apologize and tell him why I did what I did. I guess telling him my hidden desires was evident at how much I trust him, and willing to be completely honest with him from this point on. I won't hide anymore, not from him, because there's nothing for me to hide.

Melanie phoned, wondering about my progress. She was glad everything went well. And told me that I don't have to come back for a while. That I deserved this break. Walk down some memory lane, while I'm here in my hometown. She even told me Jane was more than happy to watch over the dogs, during that break. So there was no need for me to be concerned. And I have no real excuses to head right back.

Plus, she got me on the fact how would Devin feel about me suddenly appearing and suddenly leaving him here. Looking at his happy face, I easily surrendered in defeat and decided to stay.

I wanted to talk to Devin, about the fact he's technically working. And me being here, might be distracting him. I wanted to talk it over some breakfast, because I was quite famished after all of that work from last night. However, Helen beat me to the punch and invited us over for some late breakfast. And by her running around in her kitchen, made the promise it would be big.

"Um... Devin, I just wanted to know if me being here will be distracting you from work?" I decided to ask while Helen's busy, "I was thinking of staying for a while to look around, its been a long time since I've been here."

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