A Sexy Black-eye

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In all the sort of situations, I wish to never find myself being involved in. This particular one, would top my list.

To have my current boyfriend, unexpectedly, come face to face with my ex. This kind of predicament can only be found, and fabricated, in television dramas. But right now, here they are. The two of them are facing each other. 

Right here. Right now. Right in front of my doorway. And right in front of my apartment.

At this moment, I prayed the floor would just suck me in and melt away into oblivion. I was hoping to wipe out my existence.

I never thought something like this could ever happen. How could have I known?

Roan hasn't spoken to me in years. I had thought he no longer needed, and wanted, me to be involved in his life. There was no need. He had his wife's wealth and power in his hand to do as he wished. He could get all the acting gigs he so desired. Being with me was just a burden to his, now shiny, road to a successful acting career. 

Yet, when I finally gotten over the fact, and accepted, that Roan would never return to me. That I would never see him again. I finally accepted it all, and started to date someone else. 

Ready for brand new start, and new chapter in my life.  Just so ready to love and to find trust again. 

In all of the world's cruel ironies, my long missing ex-boyfriend returns and stands right here, in my doorway. He is suddenly asking for me to come back to him. He has disrupted that new start, and new beginning, that has just barely sprouted.

It threw me into turmoil and confusion. I would have never believed my ex- boyfriend would ever, one day, say those type of words to me. But the one thing I knew for certain. I had long since, given up the idea of ever getting back together. I had found that firm resolve quite some time ago. And engraved it into my heart. 

However, I never wanted this sort of situation to happen. I would've wanted to deal with Roan on my own, and not have Devin involved. Devin didn't deserved being drawn into this strive between Roan and I. But yet, he has unwittingly just walked right in to the crossfire.

Here they were, Facing each other, and literally staring each other down right at my door entry way. The air was electrified with tension so tight, it could just explode in any second. 

Roan allowed Devin room to enter into my apartment, to enter the battlefield. Devin entered cautiously never taking his eyes away from the enemy. 

My ex, kept his arm in my wa,y preventing me to getting to where I wanted to be. Where I should be, at Devin's side. Roan was eyeing his opponent, judging and comparing who is the better example of a man.

Devin stood a head taller than Roan who was much more broader in stature. Devin was more on the lean side, being an active athlete with a body trimmed of any unnecessary fat. Roan was also trimmed, but he was more on the weight lifting and muscle building activity, with aided chemical help. He appears to be more bulkier and wider with emphasized definition of musculature. Devin was more sleek, and well formed  and had more grace in his movements and fluidity. 

"So this is the new man," Roan voiced his disgust, clearly not impressed.

I would beg to differ on that note, Devin had more charm than Roan. Even in his regular attire of casual clothing, Devin still held his class and elegance of a well rounded and educated man. A man with intelligence and great self confidence. If he worn his suite and be that Devin Carter, the attorney, Roan would most certainly be intimidated just by mere presence.  

I truly desired to be near Devin, away from my ex. But Roan had his hand on my chest and pushed me back everytime I tried to inch, or even make a move to get closer. 

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