Birthday Surprise

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As he had promised, Devin will be home on my big b-day. The poor man had to board a midnight flight, so he would be able to arrive home on time. His arrival time was sometime in the later morning, during which I am working at the bakery. He texted me when got home by taxi and also said he would be catching some needed rest before getting ready for the big event tonight. He apparently had everything planned out, but wouldn't even give a hint to details as to what  would be the huge surprise.

I'm excited. Yeah, I ain't denying that. When I said I didn't want to plan a huge party to celebrate me, hitting that big double digit. Devin was adamant that I had too celebrated it. Saying it's an important mile stone in my life, that must be recognized. Of course trying to argue with a trained and seasoned lawyer is pointless, so I let him do as he wished. He was doing all the planning and not me. I am curious to find out what he has in store for me, he is good at hiding his plans. So I'm quite eager to find out later on tonight. 

Melanie, as I would've expected, was completely pissed at me for not hosting a party. She so eager to get the chance to rub it in my face that I was becoming an old man. Well...according to her anyway. But I think, as a friend she wants me to enjoy and celebrate the special day I was born into this world. 

Over the years I have neglected enjoying myself on the "special day". I would even forget my own birthday and would realize it to late. My friends often phone up to say happy birthday and try to convince me and take me out to a restaurant and host a small party. I never counted my birthday as a special day, ever since all the stuff that has happened and being constantly occupied with running my business. My most common excuse for forgetting, is that I'm busy, but in actual fact I think its because didn't want to remind myself. In the past, I would have parties and invite family and my parents would be there to celebrate the special occasion with me. However, that option is no longer available and at most times my birthday reminds me of that fact. My birthday is suppose to be a happy time but it sometimes brings me sorrow. 

I guess, I haven't really told anyone what I truly feel during my birthday. Not even to Melanie, as I knew she would tell me that I am just being a fool and stupid idiot. And would probably give me a good whack on the head to ingrain her point.

Plus, I don't want anyone to pity me. I don't need pity. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me about the whole situation with my family. I much prefer people thinking I've forgotten about my birthday because I'm a workaholic. 

Devin, most definitely, is the only person I really told this secret too. He seemed to understand. But that didn't stop him from wanting to celebrate. He says if I didn't want a party I should at least celebrate my birthday with him, "My boyfriend," it's the most natural thing to do. Like I said before, there is absolutely no chance for me to win an argument with him. But I'm fine with it, a party with just the two of us seems rather... nice.

"Jerk," Melanie hissed at me when I told her about Devin and I celebrating, alone, together. "You're unwilling to party with your own friends but you more than willing to party with your boyfriend!"

"What can I say? I can't resist when a good looking guy asks me out for a date," I shrugged, a smirk slowly forming on my lips. 

"Oh...Is that suppose to mean something?," She glared at me, giving me the questioning look. She is afterall, still a lovely single lady. 

"I don't know whatever you mean," I fawned ignorance, trying hard to hide my grin.

"Hmph...I'll get you next time," she whispered to me, and walked away.

My grin couldn't hide anymore and I laughed watching her heading away. I told myself I have won this round. Victory tastes so sweet, and I continued to chuckle to myself. I felt a nudge on my arm. Hunter stared at me wondering what I was doing, his head tilting to one side. His expression made me unable to not want to pet his head and ruffle his soft fur. He gladly accepted the affection and licked me generously in return. 

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