A Visit Home

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That night as Ciel sat with Sebastian eating dinner, his phone buzzed and the screen lit up with the notification. Ciel looked over at the counter top where is phone sat.
"You can get that if you want" Sebastian smiled.
"It's probably just Alois, he can wait" Ciel joked.
Ciel set his knife and fork down and Sebastian collected his plate, taking over to the sink and washing up. Ciel walked over to the counter, picking up his phone. He sat on one of the breakfast bar stools and began to type in his password. The text opened up and his face drained of all colour. His eyes filled with worry and anger at the same time. Sebastian caught notice of this.
"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"Oh, i-its nothing" Ciel replied almost weakly.
"Come on, I can tell it's not nothing. What does the text say?"
"I-it says 'Come home tomorrow, if you don't we will come and get you and you won't be going back'" Ciel gulped.
"Your parents would say that!" Sebastian said surprised. Ciel shook his head and quietly added "I don't have parents... they care for me."
Sebastian had a shocked expression, it hit him how little he knew about his own roommates life.
"It will be fine" he smiled reassuringly.
Ciel just looked down and shook his head. 'Its won't be fine' he thought to himself. He got up and went off to his room where he began to pack the odd thing, not knowing how long he would be there.

Morning rolled around and Ciel grabbed his bag from the bed, walking out his room only to be greeted by Sebastian, up and dressed sat on the sofa.
"You're up early!" He said surprised.
"Yeah, I thought it might be nice for me to drive there there" Sebastian smiled.
"It's fine, I already have my ticket anyway, thanks though" Ciel said, walking over to the door, sliding open the metal chain and twisting the door handle.
"Well alright then, see you later" he smiled. Ciel nodded slightly in reply before stepping out the door and heading off to the train station.

The train pulled to a stop at the platform and Ciel stepped on, making his way to an empty seat. The long journey began and Ciel spent most of the time messaging Alois.

Finally the train doors opens and Ciel stepped out. He immediately felt the eyes on him and from the bench he saw his carers staring him down.
"Hi James, hi Abigail" he said timidly, looking down at the floor and drawing his shoulders in.
"Come on, let's go" James said sternly, walking towards the car.
Ciel followed behind, making sure to keep up.
"Oh, you will be on the couch, we got rid of your room for ourselves" Abigail spat.

When at the house Ciel spent the time sat on the sofa, looking at the ground and checking his phone whenever he could.
"Why are you so obsessed with that thing?" James snapped, snatching it from his hands, Ciel only just managing to press the power button. To which James wasn't happy about having wanted to go through it.

Evening rolled around and Ciel curled up on the sofa, arms wrapped tightly around his stomach, it aching as he hadn't been given food.
"May I have something to eat Abigail" Ciel said, looking up pleadingly at her.
"No, and don't look at me" she snarled as she glared down "don't you remember anything we told you!"
"Apologies" Ciel murmured watching the wooden floor boards of the living room.
"Better" she spat before turning on her heel, walking out and slamming the door.

It was a while before Ciel was asleep and James regularly woke him during the night with violence, just for his own enjoyment.
All Ciel did was plead in his head to be back in the apartment, away from the horrible two.

He finally fell back to sleep, purely from exhaustion. It wasn't long before he was awoken by a slap from Abigail and her yelling at him to get up. He sat up timidly, and quickly ate the small bowl of porridge in front of him.
Abigail and James, sat their, frowning, watching him.
"Hm?" Ciel questioned, "what is it?"
"Who are you staying with?" James snapped.
"S-sebastian, he is my co-worker" Ciel trembled. Their faces turned sour like they had bitten into a lemon.
"Oh of course" Abigail spat.
"W-what are you talking about?" Ciel mumbled.
"Just had to be a guy" James said, scowling "good thing you don't live here anymore."
Ciel looked down, an inner self-loathing forming again.
"I should be going..." he said, slowly lifting himself from the couch, "goodbye."
Ciel snatched his bag and walked off, hurrying to the train station.

As he hurried through the doors, the train pulled away.
"Shit..." Ciel muttered to himself. He went and got his ticket then headed off the the bathroom to sort himself out. Bag set down by the bin and leant over the sink, squinting at his reflection.
'Why do they treat me like this, why am I just so worthless' he thought, gripping the edges of the sink tightly. He sank back against the wall, his forehead leant on his knees. The thoughts went through his head over and over while her sat on the floor.

With some delays and just the wait between the trains, finally after a couple hours, he got on the train and headed home. His phone had been blowing up, texts from James and Abigail demanding him to come back, ones from Sebastian about when he would be home and from Alois, seeing how he was and meeting up. He didn't reply, just sat on the train, listening to music and eventually getting some much needed sleep.

Trigger warning - for those who get triggered please don't read this, I have my reasons for writing this into it.

It was late when Ciel got home, he spent a while in the park nearby the train station. Sat on a swing, he ran through his thoughts but knowing he shouldn't, it would only make it worse. He carefully clicked the door shut, trying to keep quiet and not let Sebastian know he was home. He quickly went off to his room and changed before going into the bathroom. Little did he know Sebastian had heard him and woke up. The heavy footsteps of Sebastian in his room, stumbling to get a top from his dresser, went unheard by Ciel, he had locked himself in the bathroom and was more focussed on what he gripped in his hand.

A few moments later, Ciel's tears dripped down onto his scarred arms as he turned on the tap and washed off his arm, regret and relief being just two of the many mixed emotions that swirled though his mind.
The slight tapping on the door behind him brought him back to reality in an instant
"Ciel, is that you?" Sebastian tired voice croaked, "What are you doing up this late, where were you?"
"Um no where j-just a late train and um some delays, n-nothing much" Ciel stuttered anxiously and hurriedly wrapping a bandage around his arm tightly.
"Oh, okay then" Sebastian said.
"Y-you must be tired, go back to sleep, I-I can hear it in your voice." Ciel rushed, tripping over his words.
"Okay, well you rest up, night" and with that Sebastian's door clicked shut and Ciel rushed to his room.

The tears pooled in his eyes as his mouth quivered. The small shining droplets rolled down his pale cheeks and onto the pillow.
"Mum, dad... I'm sorry" he whimpered into his pillow as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Towards the end of this chapter I got more fed up with writing it and rushed it, I may edit it in future, I don't know for sure though.

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