Filming Begins

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Not a long chapter this time, but the next one will be more interesting and funny so enjoy.

That morning Sebastian woke to a gently snoring Ciel laid across his chest. He chuckled slightly before propping himself up and holding Ciel close, rubbing his back.
"Ciel," he cooed "it's time to get up."
After a minute or two Ciel came round and woke up to be looking at Sebastian.
"Am I still dreaming?" He yawned before going wide eyed at where he was. "S-sorry. I umm I-" he stuttered.
"Don't worry about it," Sebastian chuckled "it was nice."
Ciel turned bright red and hid under a pillow. Sebastian, grabbing the one from behind himself, started playfully hitting Ciel with it "come on," he chuckled "we have work today."
"Oh... Shit... I forgot" Ciel cursed under his breath before heading to his room and throwing on some clothes and hurrying to get ready. He messily rewrapped his arm and rushed down to the car with Sebastian at his side.
Once they were in the car Sebastian turned to Ciel.
"Give me your arm" he said bluntly and somewhat reluctantly, Ciel did. Sebastian wrapped up his arm properly.
"There, now don't let the manager or director see it, did you bring a jacket to cover it?"
"N-no I didn't think to" Ciel replied.
Sebastian pulled of his cardigan and placed it over Ciel's shoulders.
"There," he smiled, "just keep it hidden, you wouldn't want everyone asking. Luckily we are there for routine, no filming for you."
"Thank goodness" Ciel sighed relieved and they set off to the studio.

Upon arriving, Ciel went to the dressing room, where for most of the day, he remained. Sebastian filmed his short parts for the next few episodes and then went back to the changing room while they filmed Alois and Claude.
"Ciel?" He called out.
"Yes?" A groaning voice came from the cupboard.
Sebastian went over, opening the cupboard and sat on the floor so he could see Ciel.
"Please come out, the cast want to see you and will start thinking you are being rude." He explained. Ciel dragged himself out, a fed up look scrawled across his face.
"There are too many people Sebastian... I can't."
"Don't worry, stay with me. It will be okay" he smiled soothingly. "Here," Sebastian said wrapping the cardigan around his shoulders and Ciel pulled it around him.
"Thanks," he muttered quietly. Ciel got up and headed out of the door, making sure Sebastian was at his side. As he stepped out the door a flood of cast members, crew and other staff came rushing over to him wanting to talk to him. Sebastian brushed them away, letting them know now was not the time without having to say a word. He could tell Ciel was panicking, backing slowly into Sebastian's chest, his posture was all drawn in. 

"Come on." Sebastian said reassuringly, placing his hand gently on Ciel's back, leading him over to the side where few people were.

"Thanks Sebastian" he murmured.

"No problem," he smiled comfortingly, "not much longer now, just to meet the new cast members, nothing too daunting, only six of them and to meet with the director to give you some rough plans"

"Okay" he mumbled, shuffling along with the taller, dark haired man.

In only a short time he had met the triplets, Claude, Hannah and said hello to his old friend Alois. He also managed to get Sebastian to take him home despite Sebastian wanting to stay and meet his colleagues  properly.

It had been a long and stressful day for Ciel, despite not having done much, all his actions weighed heavily o his mind, driving him somewhat crazy. He settled down and went to sleep as soon as they had returned. Sebastian just spent his spare time relaxing and going through the things on his mind. Things played over in his head, Ciel and how he had been acting over the past two days towards him, the struggles between him and Beast. He thought through it all before giving up and going to sleep just to escape.

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