Chapter 3 - First night together

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Richard's POV

I was so nervous to start school in this state, one that was strange to me. I'm used to New York where everything is always alive and it's one party after the other. But now I moved to Texas. This place is so beautiful, but for other reasons. Its calm atmosphere is harder to get used to than the time difference, but I loved it. My workaholic dad had decided to open a law firm down here after the law firm he worked for closed down. Heaven alone knows why he picked Texas. Mom had told us that she wasn't going to tell us why and we just had to accept it. So we moved here without too much of a fight.

I was ecstatic to see the sexy man beast from the Christmas party attending my new high school. "Richard!" Carla snapped me away from my day dreaming. "Anyone home?" she asked. "Yeah, sorry" I replied and could feel my cheeks heating up.

Jake introduced me to his two best friends and they lovingly accepted me into their group. Jake and Timmy went to Mrs Davis' class. She's our History teacher and they had to go see her about an assignment. "He likes you too" Carla said so abruptly and quickly I almost choked on my pasta. I felt my cheeks turn a crimson red and said "I have no idea what you're talking about" I ended my sentence with a giggle, stupid giggles attacking me at the worst moments. "I can see the way you look at him Richie" she smirked. She started twirling her blond hair and it made me nervous. Was she going to tell him? What if he wasn't gay? But wait, she said what?

"He likes me too?" I asked shock filling me. "Is he gay?" She didn't say anything. Just put her finger to her mouth to show me it's a secret and winked at me. I couldn't believe it, the guy I was crushing on was gay and likes me too. I took a sip of my Pepsi and when I looked up Jake and Timmy sat down next to us. Jake sat next to me and our legs were touching. I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. And I swear I died. "So Jake" I started "do you want to come over to my place on Friday for dinner?" I asked.

"I would love to" he replied. Wait what? Did I just invite this sexy man beast to my house for dinner? Wait did he say yes? I looked at Carla, she gave me a smirk, confirming I heard right. "Cool, I'll ask my mom to get us pizza, they're taking my little sister to her ballet recital" Carla gave me another knowing smirk. That's when I realised it.. Me and the very sexy Jake will be home alone all night. I could feel myself blushing and just the thought of him and me alone made my pants grow tighter.

Friday Night

"Okay honey you boys be good tonight." Mom said as they were leaving. "Okay mommy we'll be good, Jake will be here shortly" she just nodded and they left. My sister was a bit sad that I wouldn't attend the recital, but I had to stay behind. This was my chance to hit it off with Jake.

Twenty minutes later Jake's Ford pickup truck stopped in my driveway. We hugged hello as we usually did and the desire to kiss his chapped kissable lips was bigger than the size of this state. I showed him up to my room. "What would you like for dinner?" I asked him and tried not to think about the sexy guy lying on my bed. "How about some Chinese?" he said and I nodded. I made a call to the nearest Chinese restaurant and 20 minutes later we were sitting on my bed eating. Jake was having Chicken Chow Mein and I was indulging myself in sweet and sour pork. We took some of my mom's wine and after a few glasses I could feel the red wine taking effect.

I threw away the empty food containers and returned to Jake watching a Disney movie on my TV. Halfway through the movie Jake turned to me and said something I wasn't prepared to hear, "I like you Richie" it was music to my ears. But did I understand correctly? "What do you mean?" His eyes looked into mine, I could see the fear building up in them.

(Jake's POV)

Fear crept up inside of me. Was I really about to tell him that I like him, that I was crushing on him? "I.. uhm.. I like you as in I want to be more than just friends" I mumbled, then quickly added "I hope I'm not freaking you out"

I glanced his way and saw the shock in his eyes. "Are you serious?" he asked, a glint of hope appearing in his eyes. I nodded and before I could say anything he took my hand in his. I noticed his cheeks turning a light shade of red and he said "I like you too" and then he attached his lips to mine. He pulled away a minute later, much to my dismay.

"So would you like to go on a date sometime?" I asked. He nodded his head, with so much excitement I thought he would get brain damage, and let out an excited shriek. I giggled at how cute he was. "So where will we go?" he enquired. "It's a surprise" I replied and kissed him softly on his cheek. His skin felt warm against my lips and I could feel the sparks going from my lips into my brain. When I pulled my lips from his skin something occurred to me. "No one knows I'm gay" I said. He nodded understandingly and said "Except for Carla of course"

"How did you know?" I asked surprised. He just winked at me and lied down getting ready to sleep. He patted the bed next to him and I lied next to him. Immediately he snuggled up against me and whispered "Good night handsome" and drifted off to sleep. I looked at him for a bit while he drifted off into dreamland. I kissed him on the forehead and held him tightly in my arms. "Good night beautiful" I whispered and sleep took over me.


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