Chapter 5 - The Party

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Richards POV

We left Jake's house to an unknown location. I felt a little scared, but knowing that Jake is the one taking me to wherever we were headed. He always made me feel safe. Especially earlier when there was a possible danger in the bushes, although now I knew it was just little Tyler.

I had heard Tyler when he told Jake that he saw us. I also heard that he liked my sister. I was glad to hear, I thought a couple of times actually and how cute it would be – his brother dating my sister. What can I say? I'm a sucker for romance – don't blame me.

I was also glad to hear Tyler being okay with Jake's being gay. I knew I was gonna have to keep our relationship a secret if it went that far. And for the love of unicorns I hoped and prayed he would ask me to be his. But more importantly I was glad his secret could remain just that, not that I wanted it to be a secret of course. I wanted more than anything for him to be happy and I would do anything to keep his secret safe, no matter how much it hurt.

We pulled up to a big white house. It was Victorian style with a beautiful garden. There were hoards of cars in the front of the house. Music was blaring from inside and I could just imagine the house hopping out of its foundation from the loud music.

It was clear we were at a party which scared me a bit. Jake pulled up to the house and explained that this party was for Carla's sixteenth birthday. Oh great... a party... It's not like I hated parties, but I was going to feel uncomfortable. I always did.

We walked up the driveway; we had to park in the street due to the massive amount of cars lining the front yard and driveway. The driveway was long and made out of clay stone. Along the driveway there was an assortment of rose bushes. It led to a beautiful fountain in front of the house.

Past the fountain the path led us to stairs; a red carpet was rolled out giving the event a look of glamour. The stairs led to two hardwood doors. We entered the two doors and almost immediately Carla and Timmy were by our sides, welcoming us to the party.

Jake and Timmy went to fetch us some drinks while I stood there observing the party. The majority were teens I had seen around school. They were trying different drinks and smoking funny things. I saw some drinking whiskey, some drinking vodka, others were doing body shots with tequila and the majority were drowning in beer. The scent of weed also hung in the air, my friends in NYC used to smoke that a lot so I knew the smell all too well.

Lady Gaga's Perfect Illusion was blaring through the speakers. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It actually felt nice being here, especially with Jake here. He and Timmy now returned with our drinks. The punch had a sweet taste. It tasted like berries and the presence of alcohol was very clear to me.

The party went on; Jake had a few friends who came to say hi. Carla opened her presents and we sang happy birthday to her. The best gift she had gotten throughout the night, in my opinion, was a car from her parents. They gave her a set of car keys to a brand new BMW.

I and Jake kept our current relationship status a secret of course. I was introduced as his newest best friend. Every time he would introduce me as such I could see a grin appearing on Timmy's face. However he did promise us both he'd keep our secret safe, but I did still worry that he might accidentally say something.

Jake later told me he had something to show me. He pulled me in to the backyard and around a corner. We were now out of everyone's sight.

"Richard... I... I want you to know that I'm head over heels in love with you..." Jake said. I couldn't believe that I heard those words from him. As he said those words I saw fear in his eyes, it was adorable.

"I'm in love with you as well" I whispered in his ear

He leaned in and kissed me. He held me tight as he kissed me; the feel of his lips on mine was so amazing I could feel my pants getting tighter. He pulled away, much to my dismay. But the words he spoke next were worth the kiss being broken.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" he asked shyly

"Of course I will!" I couldn't contain my excitement when I answered his question.

He pulled me back into a kiss. Our bodies pushed against one another so tightly it didn't leave space for even air to pass between us. As we kissed Cascada's Every Time We Touch blared through the speakers. The sparks between us was so intense I could have sworn I saw a flash like that of lightening or a camera...?

A/N I'll try to upload the next chapter tomorrow. If you're reading this I love you

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