The winner takes it all

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Richie's POV

Jake's dad gave me 10 grand to do the drop as arranged with Mr K. My dad came up with a plan to take down Mr K once and for all. I put the 10 grand in my gym bag and left it in my locker. Now all that was left to do is wait.

After my dad told me about Mr K and what he's capable of I started getting really scared, but my dad promised he would protect me. And let's face it if your dad is former CIA... You know you're safe, but what scares me, is that I can see my dad's afraid of Mr K.

We waited about two hours then a group of 5 guys came and picked up the gym bag. In a matter of seconds they were surrounded by CIA agents my dad had called up to take care of Mr K for us.

They proceeded to question the men who had eventually given in and decided to talk. They told us that Mr K was Alicia and Tyler's science teacher. Carla's little sister Camille was in their class and that's how he knew about the party me and Jake attended.

The CIA went and apprehended Mr K. Apparently he was too drunk the day before to even realise he ran into my dad – Yeah drunk around 12PM already. I know... That's sad, but what do you expect from a worthless piece of crap who kills animals just so he can be rich...

It also came out that Mr K molested Jake when Jake was in his science class in middle school, Jake's parents never knew. Jake did tell the principal and the principal fired Mr K. No case was opened against Kevin, because the principal of the school at that time was in love with Kevin. He got his old job back when the principal was replaced by a teacher from East LA. The Previous principal destroyed all files on Mr K, so the new principal just saw him as a previous teacher at the school and reappointed him – no questions asked.

We were given permission to skip school for the rest of the week after all the events of the last week. Jake and I rekindled our romance by going on dates the entire week and just putting all the troubles Mr K caused behind us.

That Friday we were surprised with a party/barbeque at Jake's house. All our friends from high school were there along with some old friends of mine from New York. It was actually really nice seeing them again after all this time and the events that led up to tonight.

At some point during the party Jake whispered in my ear to follow him. His hand holding mine, he led me to his room.

"I'm a virgin." he confessed "I want to lose it with you though."

I was stunned, speechless, shocked. I saw him and immediately thought "SEX GOD!!"

And here he is, a virgin just like me, and his desire is mine, lose ourselves in each others love. I grabbed him, no self control, no inhibitions. Just passion and love. We started undressing each other and devoured each other like starving wolves.

We went on for what felt like hours. When we finished I just lay there in his arms. And I knew this is where I want to be forever. To be loved by my Prince Charming. And I know today as I lie here, wrapped in his love. Together we can overcome the Mr K's of the world.

A/N Hey guys, it's finally finished. Please let me know what all of you think. I love you all for reading this and I hope it was worth it. 

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