Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Green Eyes & Hag from Hell

I was late. No not period late. That little devil still came on it's regular appointment each month like an uninvited guest. No I was late in that sense that I was running through town, my breath caught in my throat, muscles burning, heart thumping and heavy breathing causing my mouth to feel dry.

I absolutely hate being late, I despise it and I am almost never late. But today I was and it was eating me up inside. I was rushing down the street in the heels my boss expected me to wear to work, to maintain the classiness and professional touch to the job. Running in heels? It's hell for the feet. I bet you girls out there feel my pain.

I turned the last corner trying to breath even though my heart was suffocation me by thumping at a hundred miles per hour. I bet I looked like a maniac, running through town in heels, tight skirt that ended half way down my thighs, a blouse and my purse in hand. My dark long hair flying freely behind me surely tangling so bad that I would have to rip out half of it to get the tangles out.

I rushed down the last street that would take me to face my poor fate. My boss, Victoria Garrett, was an ever so self-centred bitch that gladly would rip out my eyes for being even two minutes late, today I was at least ten. I threw a quick glance at the clock around my wrist, panicking on the inside.

That's when a wall hit my face. You know in some movies when one of the characters walks right into a pole or a door or something? Yeah, that's pretty much what I did, although not really. Now this is where it gets really cheesy, the wall wasn't really a wall I'm guessing all of you can guess what it was. Yeah, yeah. It was a guy of course, a good looking one not that I had that much time to take notice or anything. 

"I'm sorry, love. You okay?" His hoarse voice touched my ears and I groaned internally. Of-flipping-course he was british. "Yeah, no I'm sorry." I muttered glancing at his face, dark hair blackish-brown, with green eyes. Bloody hell can this be anymore cliché than it already is? I shouldn't ask that should I?

I quickly shook my head, gathering my thoughts. I threw a glance at my watch seeing that I was almost fifteen minutes late now. Shit! "I'm sorry, I really have to go." I rushed out before taking off, running down the street and quickly stepping through the glass doors. I rushed past the receptionist Scott, quickly returning his smile with a stressed one, and made it to the elevator.

I stood nervously watching my watch as the seconds ticked by. I felt like it was some sort of competition no one announced to me and now time was mocking me. When the elevator finally stopped at my floor I stepped out, took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself for what was coming my way.


"Yes, ma'am." I sighed before leaving her office, gritting my teeth to keep from spitting out the hateful words that was about to roll off my tongue. Have you ever seen The Devil wears Prada? Then maybe you feel lucky that you don't have a boss that strict and bitchy as Miranda. I never really felt like that because if it's possible I think my boss is worse.

It's like she's constantly trying to ruin everyone around her, expecting everyone to be more than human. I'm doing my very best, still that is never enough. She should've just put 'superhuman' on the ad when searching for qualified people for the job.

Thankfully it was finally the end of the day and I felt like going home, throwing on some sweatpants, taking off this uncomfortable bra and bury myself under junk food and some brainless tv.

I made my way home, walking of course since my roommate and best friend James still had the car. We only had one car, to try and save money, but it was killing me to walk back and forth to work in heels. I usually wore sneakers or flats while walking there and then changed them into heels before entering the actual building, but today I was in such a hury that I didn't have the time to do that. 

I was often the one who ended up walking since my job was closer than James's. It sucked most of the time but I got my daily workout done without having to go to the gym so I wasn't complaining... that much. 

It's all about looking at things positively right?

Sighing I continued my way home, hoping I wouldn't get blisters. That would be fun to deal with tomorrow. Note the sarcasm.


When I finally made it inside the apartment I groaned and leaned against the wall, slipping of my shoes the first thing I did. The relief was huge. I went barefoot into the apartment, finding James in the living room with his friend Jaiden. They were laughing at something when I entered looking up at me leaning on the doorframe. "Hey, Gabbie." Jaiden greeted me nodding in my direction. I smiled at him, appreciation his gesture even though we weren't that close. 

Jaiden had black hair and tan skin, a slight stubble on his chin and dark eyes. Not gonna lie, he was fit, tall and lean. Basically just all over good-looking, but so was James. Today he was wearing some black pants and a basic white v-neck t-shirt. "Hi, Jaiden. How's everything?"

"Can't complain." Nodding I walked into the room, slouching down on the sofa next to James, heaving out a deep breath and closing my eyes. "Long day?" James questioned. I groaned out loud, nodding my head. "You have no idea." I put two fingers on the bridge of my nose pinching it lightly as I was reminded of the hag from hell.

"What did she do?" He asked already knowing the source of my stress. "Simply existing." I muttered under my breath. I heard him chuckle. He removed my hand from my face and started rubbing the spot between my eyebrows trying to relax me.

"I don't know how you do it, the woman is the devil itself."

"Maybe she's just lonely." I lamely tried to defend her for some unknown reason. "There's always more to the story, we shouldn't judge."

I could physically feel how James rolled his blue-gray eyes, scoffing at my statement. "You've worked for her for over a year and not once has she showed you that she's human. Just admit it. I know you are thinking it."

"Okay, fine, she's a bitch." I sighed. He laughed and I could picture the skin around his eyes crinkling. "That's the spirit." He encourage.

"You know what you need?" He said with enthusiasm in his voice. I opened one eye, eyeing him suspiciously as he grinned at me. His light brown-blondish hair slightly messy and a amused spark in his eyes. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt with buttons on neckline, the sleeves of three quater length, and pairing it off with grey khaki pants. 

"If you say 'get laid' I'm going to kick you in the balls." I threatened causing him to smirk at me as he shook his head.

"I was going to say let loose, release some tension." I scoffed.

"How is that any different?" James rolled his eyes, narrowing them at me slightly. "The guys and I are going out tonight. Come with us."

"I don't know..." I wasn't really up for a night out. I was tired, my feet had suffered enough and I don't like alcohol, I knew I would be the designatet driver.

"Come on Gabs! When was the last time you went out to have fun?" James wailed.

"I...I'm not sure." I muttered, cursing myself out in my head for being such a bore.

"So come out with us! Live a little." I hesitated. "Please?" He pouted. "For me? I need to release some tension myself, take my mind of everything for a bit. You know with- Anyway... just pretty please?"

Playing on my guilty conscious wasn't fair but it did the trick and soon I was nodding giving in to his charms. I made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting ready for the night. Boy, was I going to regret agreeing to this.

<3 <3 <3

A/N : I'm not sure who's going to portrate Gabrielle yet. I have quite a few different girls in mind, like either Mila kunis, Selena Gomez, Nina Dobrev, Phoebe Tonkin, Lucy Hale or Danielle Campbell, but I can't make up my mind so we'll see. I'm a bit tempted to just let it be a 'normal' girl, like a non-famous girl. Idk. 

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