Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Only Girl

So it was friday night and I was sat at the bar in a club nearby our apartment, dressed in a flattering red lace mini dress with long lace sleeves and black pumps. My dark brown hair falling freely down my back in soft curls. Yes, James managed to drag me out of the flat.

Sipping on some water I watched as James and his friends fool around with some girls at the dance floor. They're all clearly intoxicated. Just yesterday James actually broke up with his girlfriend. Her name was Amelie, she was a petite blonde who could be quite sweet but at the same time was quite whiny and obsessive. Her red montly little friend couldn't have been monthly, maybe weekly. So tonight was his way of blowing off some of that steam. Playing on my ability to feel guilty for almost anything he managed to drag me out of the house with him.

I also went with because I, for a second, thought that it might take my mind off work for a few, since my boss had been an unbelievable self-centered bitch today I just needed a break from reality. She had basically yelled at me for everything I did, and on top of that she handed over all the work she was supposed to do on me, leaving me with piles up to my ears and not enough hours in a day to finish them. Someone up there must hate me.

But even if I wanted to escape it had only been a few hours and I was already really regretting my decision to tag along. This wasn't really my scene. I'm not, and have never been, much of a drinker. I don't like the taste of alcohol, so I tend to stay away from it leaving me to be the driver most of the time, like tonight.

And since all my female friends was busy tonight I was the only girl, leaving me with James and his group of friends. His friends were all nice, and some of them was my friends as well, but they were all guys and all drinking tonight.

I kept sipping on my water as I peeled my eyes away from James moving in a disturbing way against one of the girls in the club. You might be asking yourself why I am drinking water. It's fancy right? Yeah no, I never really cared for sodas. I like to eat my sugar, not drink it.

Turning towards the bar I leaned my elbows onto it and rested my face in my hands. The loud music was starting to get to me, my head pounding lightly to the beat of it. I felt movement to my left and looked up to see one of James friends, Ian, slide into the seat next to mine. Ian is one of the guys that actually sports as my friend as well as James's.

He's a really sweet guy, and let me tell you he's not bad on the eye either. With black hair and dark blue eyes, a body few would say no to and a dazzling smile, he's quite the charmer. Tonight he's wearing black jeans and a white plain shirt, basic but still looking great. Some of the buttons in his shirt is unbuttoned, giving it a relaxed touch and showing a bit of the bare skin on his chest.

"Gabbie! How's it going?" He said, shooting me a wry smile. He was only slurring slightly on his words, by far I think he was the least intoxicated one of all the guys. "Hey Ian. It's fine. Are you having a good time?" I asked him, returning his sweet smile.

"Yeah, sure. It's fun to hang with all the guys again, it has been a while since last time. And of course, I get to see you, making this night even better." He said and winked at me. I just laughed.

Like I said, Ian is quite the charmer. James says he thinks that Ian might have a crush on me, but I doubt it. He's always the flirt, and could have any girl, so why would he want me? And now I sound like the cliché clueless girl with low self-esteem, great.

"Oh, Ian I've missed your charm. You need to come hang out more." Giving me a cheeky grin he said; "Oh, I will. Can't let you slip out of my fingers, now can I?" I shook my head while laughing.

"You wanna dance?" He questioned after a while, motioning towards the dancefloor. Smiling I shook my head no. "Oh no, I'm nowhere near drunk enough to set my foot out there." He pouted cutely.

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