Chapter 3

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A/N: This chapter was kind of rushed. It's kind of short and sometimes a bit cringe-worthy.. I didn't have the time to edit it and change stuff since I wanted to give you something as fast as possible. So.. ya know.

I'll shut up now, please enjoy. xx

PS. Thank u so much for all the reads! And for commenting and voting, it means a lot. Thank u! <3


Chapter 3 - Pretty mind & Bad Decisions  

About half an hour later we're still sitting in the same booth. We'd spend the time talking about shallow, random stuff. Small talking really, to fill the silence. Favorite things, stuff we want to do, that kind of things. I had learned that Harry has tattoos, from what I've spotted there's more than one.

I didn't really ask him about it but when he moved his arm I noticed the ink on his body, something I hadn't payed attention to earlier probably due to the bad lightening in the club and my not so gracious fall. I'd always kind of liked tattoos, I didn't have any myself but I could find it attractive, especially on a man. People like Harry could easily pull it off, giving a slight edge to a seemingly sweet personality.

My headache had eased up a bit after the aspirins that Harry got from the bartender, and the pain in my bum and back was nearly completely gone. Honestly it was such a relief, headaches are the worst.

We kept receiving strange looks from the people passing by us though. Mostly it was girls and they all seemed to freak a little every time they looked over at us. No, not us. Him. They kept looking at him. I mean I know he's hot and all that but I didn't really get why they all were acting so strange. They were all either just right out staring or ogling him with lust in their drunken eyes. No, I wasn't jealous. Hell, I didn't even know the guy or at least not good enough to have any sort of right to claim him as mine.

Beside I had seen a lot of guys looking weirdly at him as well and if not nearly half of the guys in here were gay, bi, really horny tonight or just general creeps, then something was up.

Or maybe I was just being paranoid and blowing everything out of proportion and really they were just intimidated by this guy who looked like God's gift to the people. Maybe they were just afraid one of their ladies would end up in his bed tonight. I must admit he kind of looked like the bad boy-player-type but I wasn't going to label him just yet. My Nana always told me not to judge the book by its cover.

"So who's your favorite artist?" During this half hour we had been sat pretty close together to be able to hear each other's answers over the clearly too loud music, now we were sitting so close that his hot breath swept across my skin every time he breathed out. Goosebumps have seemed to permanently set up camp on my skin because of our closeness and his hot breath that tickled the skin on my neck.

"Hm...Honestly I don't really have just one artist that I listen to. I fall in love with the songs more than the signer, so my playlist basically consist of random song from a whole lot of different artists. To tell the truth, in many cases I don't even know who the singer is." He nodded his head, and mumbled something under his breath. It sounded like; 'That explains it.' but I wasn't sure and it didn't say me anything so I decided to just let it slip.

"What kind of ice-cream do you like , Harry?" He shook his head with an amused smile plastered on his lips as he chuckled. "What?" I questioned in confusion. "You really are something, Gabbie." He said, looking at me with bright smiling eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" 

He smiled a wry smile. "You know that most people would have asked me what I do for a living a long time ago? But you keep asking insignificant and personal questions." I shrugged my shoulders.

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